No, it would have been offensive and weird if made towards women.
Women barely have had the right to vote for 100 years, women have only recently been allowed things like no fault divorce, and women do not have full reproductive control. The threat of forced subjugation of women is still a real threat and goes on in some parts of the world.
These men are not at risk of losing the right to vote, losing reproductive control, and becoming subjugated due to the irrational doctrine of a religious cult. These men are very unlikely to be forced to marry an alpha male like him in a post-apocalyptic society.
If a group of attractive young women had taken a photo of themselves going "We're Gen-Z and are glad we voted for Harris" and some older Republican male said "When the economy tanks, women like this are going to be begging to become my second and third wives because the economic situation will really be that terrible" literally no one would care and people would find it mildly distasteful at best.
This is blatant biphobia and evaluating this situation any other way is wrong.
There are plenty of femboys and effeminate gays who are glad that toxic alpha guys like this exist. Yes, there are femboys who wish they could be tradwives and effeminate gays who wish they could be the concubine of a stupid slightly dumb hunter who can fix things, open difficult jars, and so forth.
This man does not deserve the benefit of the doubt. Crazy religious policies are destroying society and yes, he is part of it. My point is that this is only weird because he's MAGA and bi or possibly bi.
Men like him are needed in society for valuable skills like hunting, fishing, fixing things, smashing things, and fucking and probably should not be allowed to make any policy decisions. The world would actually be better if men like this could not vote and were just relegated to those 5 tasks and only women, femboys, and others with a more sensible perspective could vote.
My point is that his post has gone viral, and it's "weird," because he's bisexual. That is the only reason, it's true and we all know it. This would not be viral or "weird" in a different context, it's a socially acceptable backdoor for biphobia and it's socially acceptable among liberals because he's MAGA.