Frequent backups are an important part of any resilient system
“Would ya’ll like a soda?” Vs. “Would all ya’ll like a soda?” - one of these means everyone shares one soda, the other means each person gets their own - but I don’t know which is which :O
A mises link? In my lemmy? Call me surprised and delighted
I’m intrigued, but have two questions:
- Does running count?
- Can I pull in data from a fitness app / smart watch (Garmin)?
Just got (today!) a brand new battery for $85 (from the factory store, so not a purchasing option available for most people)
Risk assessments are trivially banal
I assess that your assessment of the risk of mis-assessing a risk assessment may be amiss
I agree. In the context of silo though - if they end the series where they end the books, I promise that you will not be disappointed. I haven’t seen the show yet, but from the root comment I gather it’s still only silo’s 17 and 18.
Does lemmy have spoiler tags? I have guesses for seasons 3 and 4 but don’t want to spoil anything 😅
We must have different definitions of “scarcity”.
It’s called “Fractional Reserve Banking”. The bank only needs to have about 10% of a loan on hand.
If a bank has $100, they can write a loan for $1,000; effectively putting $900 more into circulation. When that is spent, it gets deposited into a bank, which can then loan it out amplified again.
This could create infinite money, as I understand it. Since there is not infinite money, there must be a gap in my understanding somewhere.
I suppose I must contribute to society by sinning even harder
Thankfully not red 40. I’m red 40 maxxing. Give me your gummy worms and fruit punch Gatorade. I’ve had a headache for 3 years but the immunity is building, I can feel it.