That works ! Drawing lines when the caster doesn't know what to do is tight !
How fast can you pull an interesting battlemap and an interesting encounter ?
Because I had DMs making me wait while they cobbled something last minute that we couldnt avoid, meaning they could have planned it in advance with 0 chances of wasting the preps
You know they would paralyse him or charm him or anything and take the shotgun for themselves. Then torture the hobo to know how to make more shells.
Its a god with 7 dragons
I came for sexy pictures. I am disappointed
Fun fact, its kinda of the gimick in the movie Next, if the hand takes too long he cant see how it goes
The first time I ever used a player backstory was just them meeting a dad of a player on his way. Small moment, gave a few tidbits, simple.
Google : token warforged wood
Then I use paint 3d
As long as hes not into hugs
A game can be challenging without involving character death. And the funny thing is, I'm not sure being able to die is what makes it challenging. I think it all comes down to : how much did character actions and player decisions mattered into the character surviving or dying ?
I do love the possibility of dying myself because I know that if I don't act right or do something stupid, I won't be saved and will suffer the consequences of it. But this implies that it's my choice that kills me. If my choice doesn't kill me, then it sucks. If it's the choice of another character, then it's akind to pvp and fuck that. And if it's the choice of a NPC or a God, might as well tell me that I shouldn't have come to play.
Note, I said CHOICE, not actions. A NPc can choose to try and kill me, if I also have choices to get me out of there.
Dont augury take a while to cast ? You gonna need to find games that are slower
garbl garbl garbl...