
joined 9 months ago
[–] rozodru 3 points 4 months ago

I think you're lost. is that way ->

[–] rozodru 13 points 4 months ago

same with me and /r/Toronto got banned for stating a long dead prime minister was horrible to indigenous people. they used the excuse that I was submitting too many articles about crimes in the city as that subreddit's mods automatically remove any content about crime or pro Palestinian content.

Post god knows how many photos of the CN tower, the fucking sun setting or snow...hey that's great! anything that's news worthy and potentially paints the city in a bad light? nope, censored. It's so bad that i'm convinced the mods there are being paid under the table by the City.

[–] rozodru 11 points 4 months ago

yeah after posting this I read the story on Destructoid about it. It worked. it was a meh game but the only reason I wanted to play it was because of that box.

[–] rozodru 38 points 4 months ago (4 children)

I remember renting Phalanx just because of the box. like "why's this old man playing the banjo?" then you look at the back and it's a friggin space shooter. I had to rent it.

[–] rozodru 44 points 4 months ago

ah Israelis and playing the victim, name a more iconic duo.

[–] rozodru 11 points 4 months ago (3 children)

I feel for like the average wrestling fan that follows multiple promotions this has been known for literal decades. Just countless stories of writers or production staff or talent that have all said that place was incredibly hostile. Hell even Freddie Prinze Jr worked there as a writer for a bit and even he got treated like shit. There were dudes who used to take shits in other peoples bags. they literally had fights on planes in mid air. All of this McMahon embraced and encouraged.

[–] rozodru 18 points 4 months ago (4 children)

Mastodon is fantastic for niche things. For example myself and my colleagues use it for work stuff and I also use it with a few friends for gaming. that's it. Beyond that if you're going to Mastodon to reach a lot of people and chase clout or what have you you're gonna have a bad time. you'll just be shouting to the void in many cases. I also use it to connect with people using linux for help and suggestions.

But just read feeds on Bluesky and you'll see many people, probably the vast majority, just say they want something that "just works" and them trying to use Mastodon was too difficult. They didn't understand the instances and what have you. It's a generation that's been raised on downloading an app, tapping on it, and it works. Login with your google, facebook, or apple id...that's it.

People these days simply don't want to do too much to use something. they don't want to customize their online experience like we used to do years ago. If it doesn't instantly "work" right out of the box, they won't use it. And even regardless of how much they'll complain about using it and all it's bugs and foibles (X/Twitter, Windows 11, etc) they'll continue to use it cause, again, "it just works".

[–] rozodru 3 points 4 months ago

I honestly don't even think they'll get that far. I mean they've announced it now, yet again, for a 2026 release date...two years from now. they've been doing this for the past decade. "It'll release in 2016" then it's "Squadron 42 coming 2018" and so on and so forth. Mark my words we'll get to 2026 and at their little convention they have to further milk their userbase of money they'll announce Squadron 42 for 2028 but please, user, they need more backers and as a reward for backing you'll get a fancy ship you'll never get to keep.

[–] rozodru 20 points 4 months ago

Because it's not about saving lives, it never has been. It's about control.

[–] rozodru 1 points 4 months ago

Because people "just want it to work".

from what I've read on bsky is that people don't like Mastodon due to the instances. They don't want to figure that out. Either because they're too lazy or because they've spent so many years utilizing apps that "just work" that it's beyond them.

That's the meat and potatoes as to why Mastodon isn't taking off, it's "too much work" to use Mastodon.

[–] rozodru 2 points 6 months ago
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