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[–] rowinxavier 5 points 2 weeks ago

I disagree. The current setup is like having the real estate have a key and you have a swipe card. The swipe card let's you into parts of the house but you don't have access to the basement or electrical box. If you wanted access to those you could ask but the real estate basically says no unless they really messed up, and even then they send a tradesperson to do the work and give them the key. If that tradespersons loses the key or gives it to someone else the real estate shrugs and says "What do you want us to do about it? Security is hard."

They also have a contract for all the furniture, most of which is bolted down, so you can't even rearrange your house, let alone install a hand rail in the bathroom for your disabled brother who needs support getting in and out. You also can't install anything on the walls like a TV or a picture frame, and attempting to do so would lead to the possibility of piercing a pipe or cutting a wire in the wall because you don't have schematics.

You can't put a different OS on, you can't modify the one you have, and breaking any of the protections on software is a violation of the DMCA, so you are a renter. You rent the device, they control the features, they decide what parts are available to the public (usually none), they decide when it will be end of life, and they make it very technically difficult to repair anything by using parts pairing. If they sold the device as a subscription with hardware upgrades included, repairs included, ongoing support included, then maybe locking it down would be OK, but otherwise no, it is unreasonable and I don't think we really own our devices in a meaningful sense.

[–] rowinxavier 33 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

This is simply incorrect. Implementing a lock on a bootloader is not dissimilar to a lock on your house. A person breaking in doesn't care that they are breaking the law, they just need to find the how of breaking in. If I as a consumer want to enter my house or give a copy of my key to someone else as a backup I should be able to do so. If I want to leave my door unlocked I should have that right however foolhardy it is. And when it comes to locking the bootloader of a computer most people won't notice it in general use but that isn't the point. It is about the edge cases, the end of life for the device, the lack of security updates.

[–] rowinxavier 22 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

To clarify, the charges brought in the Florida district could have been brought in another venue, but the crime was the documents being withheld in Florida, so that is the correct venue. It could have gotten way through the process and been appealed due to incorrect venue and we would have been back at the start.

That said, I think getting Cannon removed would have been more likely to bear fruit. She had clear evidence of bias and would have been way past the threshold of appearance of impropriety, so getting her removed would have been a fairly likely path to success. Unfortunately the supreme court was so flooded by idealogues that it would have been appealed and they would have either held it up or overturned it and gotten her back on, or just dismissed the case in some other way.

What was needed was a much more aggressive approach from both Biden and Garland. Biden to change the number of supreme court justices and to direct his justice department to deeply investigate all of the justices on the court. Garland to open said investigations, push for intelligence agency support, and lots of speaking indictments to get information in front of voters.

[–] rowinxavier 6 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

You could make it a selection for the player, they choose one then the other is destroyed in a comically horrific manner. The narrator could berate the player for so callously destroying the unchosen duck who clearly has a deep and tragic back story and has long lost relatives who will sorely miss them. The duck you choose may turn out evil or maybe somehow the worst, just an awful duck who you should not have saved. The Duck Linked Content could be an included DLC.

[–] rowinxavier 10 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

If already cold a fridge should use very little power on an ongoing basis. The peak draw should still be high if it is running the compressor, but the peak may only be for a few seconds or even less. So an 800W fridge may peak at that full draw for just long enough to start the compressor then drop down to something similar to what you said you had for the rest of the cycle. If it were empty and warm to start I would expect a higher load for a while, but again, the big draw is starting the motor,kicking off the compression cycle, so 150W is reasonable to me.

[–] rowinxavier 3 points 3 weeks ago

They appear black because they do not rreflect light but rather than absorb photons as heat they absorb them as electricity. This conversion means they do not get hot like a painted black surface does. In fact, solar panels are heat sensitive and become inefficient if too hot, so some have cooling on the back side or even water cooling.

[–] rowinxavier 7 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

One thing to consider is having a reason to live. Find something you care about or are interested in an leverage that interest.

Think of it like a car. Making explosions doesn't actually do anything for us in terms of getting somewhere, so we have to make a complex machine to turn that force into motion. I have an interest in electronics, so making electronic things to, for example, weigh my washing basket to tell me when to put on a load will turn some of that interest into activity.

As for nobody getting it, my partner does. They are my rock and they need me, so double win there. When I am having overwhelm they don't judge or condemn, they actually understand and help me find my calm and get things sorted. It took a lot of luck to find my partner and years of working together to be functional but now we are like an engine and a gearbox. They help me convert my efforts into useful stuff. They also help me know when to take a break and rest. Maybe something similar can exist for you?

[–] rowinxavier 4 points 4 weeks ago

And a much smaller footprint. It could even be binary data for tweaking your algorithmic profile, say the name of a branded product or in the case of a product with few options just the type of item. Audio runs in the megabytes per minute, transcripts in the kilobytes, but reducing to a conclusion of interest in a single specific item is really very small, hard to notice tbh.

[–] rowinxavier 3 points 1 month ago

Orgzly is my favourite note app. I use that and sync to a folder which I can then sync with Syncthing to my desktop and have versioning there.

[–] rowinxavier 18 points 1 month ago

It is called Planck's principle, so we are stealing from Max Planck.

A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it ...
An important scientific innovation rarely makes its way by gradually winning over and converting its opponents: it rarely happens that Saul becomes Paul. What does happen is that its opponents gradually die out, and that the growing generation is familiarized with the ideas from the beginning: another instance of the fact that the future lies with the youth.
— Max Planck, Scientific autobiography, 1950, p. 33, 97

Cool phrasing from him, lots of people have enjoyed it since, and honestly from my exposure to the field it is accurate. The push back against plate technonics was hard, as was the clinging to steady state cosmology. Oh, and miasma as a model of disease. We really are just slightly smart monkeys.

[–] rowinxavier 87 points 1 month ago (7 children)

"It's basic biology, XX or XY, man or woman!"

"OK, but have you ever looked into intermediate or advanced biology?"

Dawkins is such a disappointing person. He has all the knowledge required to not only understand but also advocate for trans people but instead is defending the Anglican church, "light pedophelia", and gender essentialism. He wrote a couple of books with some good parts but honestly, he is a sad old man and should be forgotten. Science moves forward one funeral at a time.

[–] rowinxavier 10 points 1 month ago

Yep, my wife. Smoked since childhood, tried many times to quit, finally managed using a vape. I started with a strong enough mix to match the daily nicotine intake, we left it like that for almost a year, then I started lowering it by 10% every month. Once we got to 20% is started dropping by 5% and then just 1% from 5% down. That said, the process being so gradual made it smooth and less disruptive.

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