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[–] retrospectology 10 points 4 months ago (2 children)

Then-New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman would eventually reveal that they were among 200,000 New York City voters who had been illegally wiped off the rolls and prevented from voting in the presidential primary. But by January of 2017, when Schneiderman announced that he would intervene in a federal lawsuit against the New York City Board of Elections, along with the U.S. Department of Justice, the news fell on deaf ears.


As the candidates entered the New York race, Clinton was leading Sanders by 209 pledged delegates. Although The New York Times, the Daily News and Newsday had endorsed Clinton, the momentum was with Sanders, who had come off seven straight primary wins. By April 2016, Sanders had narrowed Clinton’s initial 60-point lead with voters nationally, to 10 points, and appeared to be gaining on her. However, a Sanders victory in New York had been deemed a long shot, based on Clinton’s formidable support by the local Democratic Party establishment.

Essentially Sanders was closing the gap with the votes, so the establishment helped kneecap his momentum for Clinton's benefit.

[–] retrospectology 27 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (4 children)

This is why it's important to make sure people in your life know where to go to confirm their registration:

Currently the GOP is doing this for obvious reasons, but the Democrats will also try this kind of thing during primaries. They "cleaned" a swath of young people within the demographic that leaned towards Sanders back in 2016.

Always check your registration leading up to an election.

[–] retrospectology 13 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

The contexts are really different. Boris played up his "harmless eccentric" facade, but Trump isn't going to benefit from looking whimsical or whatever, no one would buy that from him. No one sees him as some mad genius.

Reality is people are pretty tired of weird in their politics, which is why in this context I think it's potentially a good approach.

My sense of the general sentiment is that people don't have time for weirdos at this point, we've had 8 years of weird and now we've got real problems facing the nation and the world and can't be mucking around with a bunch of troglodytes like Vance who think only married people who own property should be citizens or whatever bizzarre Gilead type ideas conservatives have for the country.

[–] retrospectology 9 points 4 months ago

He's got brainrot for fascism. Weird guy.

[–] retrospectology 30 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Some talking heads on NPR were discussing the economy and how this was "the first time Millenials were seeing inflation" and how the economy is just waiting for consumers to "adjust". This in the context of them also basically saying there needs to be more unemployment so wages don't get higher.

It's like victim blaming or something, corporations went on a price gouging spree during the pandemic and now we all have to learn to deal with it so Wallstreet can go back to business as usual, and they're getting all pissy that people's response is simply finding ways to spend less, instead of giving up their last nickle.

Funny how they never talk about corporations needing to tighten their belt or "adjust their expectations" to paying higher wages.

[–] retrospectology 2 points 4 months ago

I have a browser extension that prevents autoplay and automatically chooses the highest resolution, makes browsing much nicer

[–] retrospectology -1 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

I just catalogue tankies as another flavor of right-wing. Any kind of authoritarianism is far-right as far as I'm concerned, whether it's supposedly in service of communism or anything else.

Being left is about finding actual working solutions that help people and make society more free, just and safe for everyone and it's about being willing to abandon solutions that have been tried and don't work towards that goal (or require massive amounts of blood to achieve).

A tankie insisting that you need to just purge the political undesirables to make a utopia is just as irrational and right-wing as MAGA chud thinking theocracy or an ethnostate will work.

"Centrists" in the US think you're meant to cut the difference between those two, which is why they end up conservative themselves. They're stuck in a conception of the political landscape that limits them to thinking of things as a spectrum of extremes, rather than a binary between stuff that works to produce material good and stuff that doesnt.

[–] retrospectology 39 points 4 months ago (3 children)

Everett may physically assault every miserable bastard he comes across but even he knows better than to take his frustrations out on his waiter.

[–] retrospectology 9 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (2 children)

Just because it’s not prosecuted doesn’t mean it’s free.

Yes, that's literally what free speech is.

In some countries you can be lgbt on social media all you want but state media is banned from even mentioning its existence.

Not happening at a federal level, but yes, the far-right is trying to legislate the erasure of lgbt people from society, but it's not something that has happened in the way you imply.

The meme is a misrepresentation of reality. It could happen that we eventually have oppressive state censorship like China, but we aren't yet at that stage and its a disservice to people to mislead them about the rights they still have.

[–] retrospectology 6 points 4 months ago (4 children)

-user freely expressing their communist views on an open Internet infrastructure developed and supported by the US government-: "Is this a suppression of my free speech?"

[–] retrospectology 3 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Dating myself a bit but it had to probably be the first Half-Life. It wasn't only about realizing how limited and awkward a gamepad is, but the mods opened my eyes too.

I still to this day don't see the point of consoles. They're just a way for companies to try and silo off customers and get everyone on proprietary hardware.

[–] retrospectology 3 points 4 months ago

Spain, get a grip

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