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[–] retrospectology 1 points 6 hours ago (1 children)

Yeah, the Germans and the jews were just two warring factions, same as the UK and Germany or the US and Japan etc. The jews weren't experiencing a genocide, they were just experiencing a war like everyone else. Right?

[–] retrospectology -1 points 7 hours ago (1 children)

I'm using your definition of war. You just don't like it when you realize it can be used to literally erase the holocaust the same way you're trying to erase the genocide in Gaza.

[–] retrospectology 213 points 10 hours ago (12 children)

I appreciate the spirit, but people who read books are probably the wrong demographic to aim this kind of messaging at.

[–] retrospectology 31 points 10 hours ago (1 children)

Yup, and they're very careful to avoid talking about who actually instigated the violence.

[–] retrospectology 2 points 11 hours ago

Until then we've included a complimentary hammer with each Tesla.

[–] retrospectology 3 points 12 hours ago

I didn't know they let you guys drink vodka your first day on the job.

[–] retrospectology 3 points 12 hours ago (2 children)

Lol, yeah when is Lithuania going to stop bullying Russia, come on guys wth )':

[–] retrospectology 2 points 13 hours ago

Either way, it feels like a poor attempt to create a pejorative. Honestly, Russian trolls losing their touch if this is the kind of shit they're coming up with.

[–] retrospectology 2 points 13 hours ago (5 children)

Ok, yeah I mean if Russia chooses to carry out a first strike on NATO I guess that is a thing they could do if they wanted. Not sure how it would be in their interests, but they could give it a go for sure.

[–] retrospectology 0 points 14 hours ago* (last edited 14 hours ago) (3 children)

Yeah, totally, the victims of the holocaust were just civilian casulties on the jewish side, that's just war, you know? Civilians are gonna be systematically targeted and killed, civilian infrastructure decimated intentionally etc.

The irony of you saying I'm twisting the definition of war when Israel has total control of Gaza, controls any food, water, electricity has bombed 70% of infrastructure and driven the entire population into a tiny square of land is too much. You can't actually be serious.

Gaza is an apartheid state controlled by Israel, there is no functioning state that they're overthrowing, there is no standing army or opposing military industry, they already 100% control Gaza. If the government blows up an entire block of apartments because a terrorist is hiding there that's not "war" that's indiscriminate slaughter.

[–] retrospectology 0 points 15 hours ago* (last edited 15 hours ago) (5 children)

The vast majority of deaths are innocent civilians. It's not a war, no.

There were holocaust survivors that armed themselves and fought back. That makes it a war by your definition. Germany and the jews of europe were just fighting a war.

See how that works?

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