
joined 2 years ago
[–] rektdeckard 8 points 14 hours ago* (last edited 14 hours ago)

The further you look in the sky, the further back in time you are looking as well -- there is no way to see what far way looks like "right now". This image shows the visible universe as it appears from our perspective in spacetime, which necessarily smears together the "where", "what", and "when" of it all, but also shows the evolution through time of some of the larger structures.

The tendril things that converge into single celestial objects are clouds of gas condensing to form galaxies and clusters over billions of years.

[–] rektdeckard 2 points 3 days ago (1 children)

I'm not familiar with this interface, but it looks to me like it is saying Google was doing the tracking. Could this be tracking attempts made from a web view opened while using Sync, and not the actual Sync app itself? I want so badly to believe they are more privacy conscious than that. Love the app, been using it since it first came out for Reddit. Solo dev IIRC.

[–] rektdeckard 2 points 6 days ago (1 children)

Pay it because if you don't pay it they might come and make you pay it? Poor argument.

[–] rektdeckard 25 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

There's a native restaurant near me that is kinda like the equivalent of Chipotle for American Indian cuisine, and it's fantastic. The owners are members of the Osage Nation and have had a few restaurants since the 90s. Really happy for them that they recently expanded to also have a food truck and catering business, as well as a little satellite location at a nearby ski mountain.

I can't do much to help undo the genocide and cultural erasure, but I damn well take everybody I know to that restaurant.

[–] rektdeckard 11 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Easy, they're the powerhouse of the cell.

[–] rektdeckard -1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Sorry but no? "Voters" means the same thing in both cases, that's how statistics works. You take a small subset of people and try to control for as much as possible to make it an accurate representation of the greater population. Nobody actually knows what Voters in the abstract think if they don't vote or answer polls

[–] rektdeckard 12 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (3 children)

Yes. And the original poll estimated that 41% of voters under 30 approved of Mangione's actions. My point is statistics are more valuable and informative when you try your best to compare apples to apples.

[–] rektdeckard 9 points 1 week ago (5 children)

Yes but a more direct comparison would be to voters under 30. Around 46% of 18-29 yr. olds supported Trump.

[–] rektdeckard 2 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

I am not in academia but did participate in published research both in college and in a job as a lab assistant afterward. I don't really think your analogy holds up. There is literally no cost to such a change; scientists just need to start READING and CITING papers from free, alternative journals for them to be legitimized. The profit incentives of the universities, private industry, and government that fund the majority of research are not affected by the choice of the medium of exchange of ideas. Only the journals' pockets.

[–] rektdeckard 3 points 2 weeks ago (5 children)

Ok I simply don't understand how the same means and methods used by the free and open source software community have not been employed here. These are smart people! Just start your own damn free journal service, found a council and tap some industry-leading researchers in some common fields to start reviewing papers.

[–] rektdeckard 8 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I mean, having one in ten of your fellow soldiers murdered by their own commander is pretty horrific, and I think that's the spirit of its modern usage.

[–] rektdeckard 5 points 1 month ago

Don't fall into their trap. It is important to point out that it isn't antisemitic either way, because your assertion had absolutely nothing to do with her religious or ethnic background.


Having never owned a house or really had a yard of my own, I got pretty excited and decided to do some ad-hoc landscaping. Built some raised beds for vegetables, and just laying in some organic shaped in-ground beds for low water decorative plants. Gonna fill the rest in with gravel. Any pointers?


I found this leaflet on my car windshield the other day in Highlands area. The author (possibly homeless) seems to have a paranoid delusion about a government conspiracy forcing his wife to divorce him and marry another man. Pretty clearly a person with untreated mental illness, and sad on its own.

What's weird is that when I researched the name, I found posts on Reddit (won't link here) reporting similar leaflets appearing in DC, Iowa, Oklahoma, Utah, and elsewhere going back at least a year. Anyone else find a similar note? Is this a real person, or is it some troll printing copypasta?

Full text:

protesting against the law in the United States of America being paralyzed, defending the case, exchanging evidence, and then arranging to guide him to block the way to attack me, the government exchanged evidence and defended him, but the topic It's better to go to the game for him to block my way than to torture me, I'm usually sneaking over to my wife's house, but the government law in the US is sick and jealous and jealous of that guy and the topic of the game but guide that guy to block the way to attack me next i went to the wrong house, family court for divorce and divorce, but the government law in the US is sick while defending the exchange of case evidence and being jealous I just took care of that guy to not get famous for marrying my wife, but the family court colluded to form a divorce document that officially ended as husband and wife we add government legislation in America as petty as femininity and the subject of thought-ordering as typical perverts the court colluded to defend my homeless man's case my wife's enemy plus the court made a reasonable combination to prevent him from getting a reputation for marrying my wife plus the law that ordered couples to hug and kiss in front of me it was a shock of the law that the court forced me to no longer be able to fight my wife, plus mentioned before the game case, but the government legislation bans the topic of the game that torments me to this day for more than 10 years. protest against government legislation in the United States of America with typical crow's feet I don't understand no career in games so I'm tortured during work hours even I'm tortured in my sleep because of me just drove me over, but the government let the driver of the car speak loudly outside and the government law in the United States of America was very reasonable, a typical case of the government law just exchanged evidence defend the case of a homeless guy, my wife's wife at my house defend the case so that he won't be known for marrying my wife later, but the court of vacancy establishes a divorce document to officially divorce my husband and I, we oppose the law of government in the United States of America. My reasonable defense in the case of a homeless man who has just married in my house I oppose the law of government in the United States of America. My name is Tuan Pham' on the radio network, thanks.

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