Lol idk why but I find it so funny that you are speaking English with French nouns.
It's fine that you don't understand. I know plenty of non-religious people who were able to find their own meaning in those words
It takes conscious effort to be in touch with your deeper thoughts and emotions, so in a sense yes. Not everything that is known to the self is known to the conscious mind. Didn't think that would be controversial.
Dunno what you're on about, makes complete sense to me. Just requires some mental flexibility.
It's simpler than all that. Satanists would say God is just You, or some version of yourself that is all the things you wish you could be. The fact that you are there praying means you have a good idea of what needs to change, and are searching for the strength within yourself.
It's a handy way to convert any value to a Boolean. If
is defined and done non-empty value, double negation turns it into just true
Yes! I am a bit out of it and my vision feels kinda lazy for like 48 hours after NyQuil.
What part about our reaction, or Luigi's, is stupid? Is it maybe, just maybe, totally justifiable anger?
Does it? It's not a brag, I don't think it's particularly cool or interesting. It just means I heard it from the horse's mouth and it is absolutely happening barring new legal action.
You can (and I do) rebind the modifier keys in System Preferences. Makes it a lot comfier to use a Mac and another machine with the same keyboard via KVM switch.
Don't fall into their trap. It is important to point out that it isn't antisemitic either way, because your assertion had absolutely nothing to do with her religious or ethnic background.