Khan Academy was pretty good last time I used it, so I guess it's better than a no-name AI company.
Delay, deny, ...distract?
Someone trying to appease an asshole probably
Why would anybody willingly talk to a chatbot in the first place?
Not to be confused with vicious fingering
If it didn't risk spreading disease to everyone else, I would totally be on board with letting science deniers drink more raw milk
Lets you turn it off for good...until Google removes that feature
I quit eve after the subscription increased.was fun while it lasted, but probably won't go back. My hot take: the cardinal sin is having to multibox to enjoy eve.
Circulators have already existed for quite while for electromagnetic waves. Maybe some of the ideas here can be used to improve them though?
It's like clockwork
Prompt engineering is the same as software engineering, right?
Of course not. No kid, let alone an adult, wants to listen to a soul-less robot for half the day. The schools cutting corners to pay teachers less is still an issue, for sure.