EVE Online

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A place to discuss all things related to EVE Online, a space MMORPG


The EVE Online logo and artwork is used with limited permission of CCP Games. No official affiliation or endorsement by CCP Games is stated or implied.

founded 1 year ago

After some time away from EVE (arguably quite some time) I felt like getting back into it. I have had some good times and some terrible times but all in all I like most of it.

After installing the game and logging back in, trying to figure out what all my accounts were and what they were good at, I realised that the Omega price has gone through the roof so much that I'd rather live with the itch and find something else to do.

It's sad though, because I liked the universe but I can simply not spend that kind of money on a game

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by [email protected] to c/eveonline

Hi, I've downloaded the game via steam on mint. When I click the epic icon to log in, firefox loads the website. But then nothing happens, it doesn't trigger the log in on the laucher. Does anyone know a way to solve this?

EDIT: It also didn't work with chrome as browser, the linux Rare app gave me the same result as steam and the Heroic Games app (though logging me in with my epic account) didn't update the game launcher, so I couldn't run the game.

Then I’ve downloaded the Lutris app for linux. There I could get the epic launcher and install the game. The game launcher logged me in automatically and was running an update. It works. Lutris was the way to go for me! (Unfortunately it's running smoother on Windows for me but i only have a shit decades old on board graphics chip lol)


I've played eve off and on for over 10 years at this point. I came back to the game after a several year break and fell in with a wormhole alliance which seems to be suddenly populated by vocal members of the alt right, vocal enough that a few people are starting to leave the corp/alliance over.

Are there any corps or even alliances out there, especially ones in nullsec or j-space, that are either more inclusive or just keep their politics to themselves?

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by [email protected] to c/eveonline

Hey, is anyone aware of a method to filter chat by keyword? The in-game spam is ... absolutely incredible.

Some super basic keyword filters would cut down on 99% of it. Even better, if you could selectively ignore any message containing a URL, or a contract, or something like that.

It's SUPER weird that a, what, 20 year old game doesn't have this. It smacks of intention and makes chat completely unusable.


Just a light 6 hour video on the history of EVE

Fanfest Program Revealed (www.eveonline.com)
submitted 10 months ago by Bahnd to c/eveonline

OC by u/Megaman39

Are you interested in liberty, freedom, and the pursuit of justice? Want to frag countless number of Drake and Osprey navies? When fortunate son plays in the background, you become visibly excited? You should sign up with the gallente militia. Check us out here: https://discord.gg/QHh4qvFc


Got.this.email, get onto it.

Might momentarily drop PLEX prices


While doing some exploration earlier I got a BPC for a Capital Gravity Capacitor Upgrade II.

The weirdest thing is that the BPC isn't completely worthless. Contracts for that BPC still go for a couple million isk which means someone must be buying them and producing capital sized scanning rigs. So now the real question is, who the hell is fitting their capital ship for scanning?

submitted 11 months ago by Danatious to c/eveonline

I do know now...and it is no fun to scoop them up slowboating in a carrier.


That is all I wanted to say

Nullsec ratting (self.eveonline)
submitted 1 year ago by technopagan to c/eveonline

Now that my Golem has fallen victim to the increased bastion cycle time (RIP) what should be my next nullsec ratting ship? Go the cheap route and use Ishtars or rather all-in with a ratting carrier?


As was expected the Tranquility Trading Tower in Permimeter was destroyed. I couldn't be there to see the big explosion (and a lot of TiDi I guess). Anyone been there?


Golem looks awesome. Had to try it out even though the increase in bastion cycle time made me a little bit nervous. Here's another shot:

And the torpedo effects are cool too:

What do you think? What do you like (or dislike) in this expansion?


So better get your stuff out or you will have to fetch it from asset safety (and pay for extracting your stuff). Maybe check if you got some high value clones there, could be worth getting them out too.


Asher just announced that the Imperium is leaving the TTC. This will probably spell the end for TTT highsec markets.


I'm leaning more towards hate, this community prompted me to download EVE last night and jump back in after 8 years and I thought I'd left it behind for good.


submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by technopagan to c/eveonline

The latest expansion is now online: Viridian Expansion - Now Live

CCP messed up the patch notes. I could have sworn they contained more details a few hours ago: Patch Notes - Version 21.05


In case you missed it: CCP offers 7 days of Omega for free.

Can't wait! (self.eveonline)
submitted 1 year ago by ThatOneDudeFromOhio to c/eveonline

To see all the propaganda moved here.


I followed a Lemmy community (@eveonline ) from a Mastodon account.

Will new posts in that community show up in my Mastodon feed? Probably?

Can you follow/reply-to/comment-on Lemmy posts from Mastodon? I'm guessing not.

#lemmy #federation #question

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by technopagan to c/eveonline

Hi fellow capsuleers and friends of EVE Online.

Maybe you are a Reddit refugee or a long time Lemmy user. Doesn't matter, welcome to this community. I don't know where this is heading, we will give it a try and see if this can be a fun community for us.

So go ahead and fill it with life, post whatever happens in the EVE universe and have fun.

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