
joined 4 months ago
[–] recentSloth43 12 points 2 days ago

I don't know what to say to make you feel better, I'm just an internet stranger. I want to say two things though,

One, this internet stranger cares about you. A lot. I truly hope you get a better life and have a brighter future. I hope for your suffering to subside. I feel the same for every human, to be honest. I think we're an amazing species, capable of great things (good and bad), with so much potential for good if only we had better lives. I believe badness comes from broken humans. If they weren't as broken, their goodness will dominate. So, i care about you. I love you. And I'm sending you a virtual hug.

Second, i had a friend that killed themselves. Their death broke me for a while, and forever changed my perspective of other's private lives, and their sufferings. I did know he was suffering. And I'm hoping now he at least gets to rest and not suffer anymore. I loved him and seeing him suffer was bad. But now I'm seeing the other people in his life suffering from his loss. I do wonder what if. What if his life did improve if he didn't kill himself? What if that's a selfish way of thinking and i should be happy he's finally resting? What if his suffering just transferred to others and the sum total is just the same as before, but even more because his absence creates more? I don't know. All i know is that i miss him and I'd give anything to go back in time, and just use it to spend more time with him. Help however i can. Regardless how he chooses to continue his life.

[–] recentSloth43 6 points 3 days ago

The unchecked cancer is spreading? Shocker!

[–] recentSloth43 2 points 4 days ago

Non-white foreigners*

[–] recentSloth43 6 points 4 days ago

I used to think a car direction indicator was a GPS guiding system, and not manually operated.

[–] recentSloth43 13 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Tipping is a symptom of employees not getting compensated properly for their work

[–] recentSloth43 14 points 1 week ago

Tired to be in the party of protesting, so she joins the party they're protesting against? Weird logic

[–] recentSloth43 22 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Humans are the only mammals with boobs that stay "inflated" without childbirth or breastfeeding involved.

The theory is that it's an evolutionary selection, and the hypothesis is it's an aesthetic choice that keeps reinforcing itself (a positive feedback loop) and now it's HotWired in our brains.

The way i personally see it though, just like how i like certain types of food without a proper explanation to why, i also like boobs.

There's also the idea it's connected to being breastfed as a baby which brings back all those warm and safety feelings with them. That doesn't explain why most women (I speculate) aren't as into boobs as the average guy. That said, I've met multiple women, some straight,who also found boobs very fascinating. So maybe they get the same warm and safety feelings minus the sexual attraction?

[–] recentSloth43 6 points 1 week ago

As someone who grew up Muslim, this goes against some very basic pillars of islam. This country, and all "religious" governments in fact, never actually follow the religion they use to control their people. It's corruption to the root. If those religions were real (me being a god has the same Probability) then they're all burning in hell forever without redemption. Not what I would've done as a god, but I'm not an asshole.

[–] recentSloth43 27 points 1 week ago

"I've decided having black eye is illegal. Now hold still as i punch you in the eye" -the people making up those same laws probably

[–] recentSloth43 7 points 1 week ago

Doesn't change much for me. Violence is a consequence of a broken system. Whatever the motive was, fixing the system is the solution either way.

[–] recentSloth43 53 points 2 months ago (6 children)

Except for special cases, you don't actually have to do a task fully. You can pick at it as you go.

For example, i almost never do all the dishes at once. I just do 1-2 when i pass by the kitchen and i have a minute or two to spare. Without even realizing it or barely feel the energy or the time used, the task is either done or it is much smaller and more manageable.

This can apply to most adulting tasks by my experience.

[–] recentSloth43 8 points 2 months ago

Happy birthday!!!

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