More of this.
Wish my school has offered debate.
The problem is giving them a platform has let the extremists on the Right to come to power in the United States. Hearing differing opinions is one thing, tolerating the attacking of minorities and the destruction of a functioning government is another. How much debate are we supposed to engage in before we say enough is enough?
You know, you could always just buy their raw materials.
Where can I get some ACT-UP boots? I've already got the party attire.
Time to start wearing some yellow vests.
Peters, who is Māori, opposes initiatives intended to advance Māori people and language.
Why the self-hatred?
Everything is happening too fast. I just want to curl up and cry.
Countries need to issue warnings for all their citizens to come home. The capriciousness of US immigration makes entering the country dangerous.
Just keep his security goons away from the production facilities and equipment. In fact, they should hire three times the amount of security Musk has. Just remember, they have been deputized by the U.S. Marshall Service, so they have the power to arrest people.
Hmm. Did they do that for abortion clinics when they were being bombed?