I could only recall the incest brand off the top of my head 😭
This is because we have a Google home which is linked to my Spotify account.
Cute story... this is an advertisement, even if it was not the author's intent. I enjoy human connection and mawwiage as much as the next guy, but we can have a better story with post-google open source alternatives.
"Will you be my Spotify Duo... til death do us part?" I texted her, over my Google Pixel 3 Watch
sniffle "Of course my love. Nike, Just Do It™" she said, between sips of her new Folger's dark mountain blend with new hazelnut flavor.
"Based, fam" And then they Uber off into the sunset.
Violence for thee but not for mee
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Church Café 💀
if you're just complaining on Lemmy, that's not political activism
It may be a toxic environment to you, but it's full of vital nutrition for me. I guess you could find a new place where you fit in more easily.
An alternative for what? Never heard of it.