I think it will become an entirely cloud based OS with a thin client booting the machine straight into their Edge browser. Pay as you go operating system that never leaves their Azure walled garden. Google's Chromebooks were just ahead of their time. As Spock said: "it's Linux Jim, but not as we know it".
Come on, it's just marketing. They're preserved until they're not. Anybody up for some unreal tournament, warcraft 2, or colin mcrae rally? Or there's a remaster of a £3 dos game for £30 and the original is pulled Dark Forces . GoG is the last stand against DRM and I buy all my games from them, but they need to go easy on the kool aid.
Thank you for illustrating my point!
I'm starting to warm up to this stuff. There is a future rapidly hurtling towards us where, if you take the time to read and think for yourself, you will become a genius. It was happening already in some stem fields where people used GUI tools without ever reading what the buttons did, and if you took the time to read the manuals and the underlying methods, you could become vastly more competent than anybody else in your team. This "AI" bullshit is just extending the lazy culture out to every piece of information on the web, where average Joe is already unable to concentrate beyond 140 characters. Those that take the time to learn the fundamentals and read deeply will have vastly superior knowledge of any subject, while the majority will be spoon fed superficial summaries filled with errors and no way of realising.
ha yes! that is depressingly likely to be 100% correct.
so sega realised that rather than sell a retro console once, they can sell a reboot filled with DLC and monthly subscriptions forever. nice.
I hope they don't embark on a purge of all the original versions across the web, as is the trend at the moment from likes of Blizzard, and shackle old titles with new restrictions.
I love the irony in how ecosia brands itself an environmentally responsible organisation while hosting a chat bot on it's search page, burning 10x the energy of regular search. Their chat bot even gaslights me when I ask about this by telling me how the energy consumption for "AI" technologies is actually highly variable, and I should check my own carbon footprint first xD. At this point, both organisations are so utterly self deluded, they should get on like a house on fire. Literally!
It's Interesting how Dunlop spent his life wrestling with a suffocating corporate command and control structure to implement a system to facilitate a suffocating corporate command and control structure, while Engelbart was presenting ways of facilitating the expression of ideas with the machine. Dunlop's work with IBM is probably best left in the garage, along with IBM.