
joined 4 months ago
[–] [email protected] 14 points 16 hours ago

So, start a few minutes before midnight, get in 50 laps, then 50 the next day.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 19 hours ago (1 children)

France made a big mistake to go all in.

Not only does Germany import electricity from France (which comes from...?), but Germany has (according to this) a substantially higher carbon footprint per capita.

If the only issue is cost and projects taking longer than expected, isn't that a good tradeoff for carbon neutral power?

And yes, of course, I would prefer renewables, you would prefer renewables, we all would. But it's somewhat disingenuous to decry the use of nuclear, advocate for renewables, and at the same time, rely heavily on coal, as Germany does (or at the very least, did recently.

[–] [email protected] 24 points 19 hours ago

I'm not a big fan


thousands of windmills

I see what you did there.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 21 hours ago

AFAIK in the USA, nuclear energy is the safest per unit energy generated. Solar is more "dangerous" simply because you can fall off a roof.

Nuclear energy has huge risks and potential for safety issues, yes. But sticking to the numbers, it is extremely safe.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago

Microwaves aren't resonant or anything fancy

they're just dielectric heating.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago

Completely agree.

The Wikipedia article itself has this to say:

Extinguish: When extensions become a de facto standard because of their dominant market share, they marginalize competitors who are unable to support the new extensions.

By that logic Lemmy/Mastodon/fediverse are already extinguished. Those of us in the fediverse are already "marginalized" wrt Twitter/Threads/Facebook/whatever.

There are very good reasons to hate Meta, but personally, I think EEE isn't the biggest issue.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

Slack killed IRC integration mid 2018.

What exactly did Slack "allow" though? The continued existence of an ancient protocol with a niche but dedicated following of predominantly "old school" tech people?

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Pressure cooked?

Also, what's your rice technique? I usually add raw rice directly to cast iron for a bit, add oil, wait until it's a little brown, add veggie bouillon paste, and salsa. Then I just put in rice cooker and let it do its thing.

Your whole meal looks great!

[–] [email protected] 35 points 2 days ago (4 children)

Maybe. Or this will play out like Slack and IRC.

Initially, Slack integrated with IRC. Which was great! It meant I could use xchat to talk with folks, and could set up simple bots using standard IRC tools.

And then Slack killed that feature...but it absolutely didn't kill IRC, because die hard IRC users never cared about Slack in the first place.

My prediction is it'll be the same

what sort of people will be attracted to Threads vs a smaller "proper" instance? Probably the sort of people who would never consider a federated platform in the first place.

Just speculation and I could certainly be wrong...

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago

IIRC mine (as an employee, not HR) verified some stuff on my CV (education details I think).


Noticed a few days ago that Sutro Tower's red blinking lights are now white. Just asked them on their website form, but wondered if anyone else knows the story with this.

Personally, I miss the red ones!

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


I got my Technician in early 2000s, and last year finally upgraded to Extra. Looking to set up a very basic shack.

I'm looking for an HF setup, with most of my use probably using digital modes, but would like the ability to use voice.

Current transceiver is on loan from girlfriend's dad, a Ten-Tec Scout 555

50W HF unit with separate modules for each band. One limitation of this is that the modules set the mode, so it's LSB on 40m, making e.g. FT8 not possible (without some hacking of code or perhaps hacking the module).

Antenna is end-fed with an off-the-shelf 49:1. Currently only have 20m half-wave, but have just enough room for a 40m half-wave in the attic, which is the ultimate goal.

For digital modes, it looks like there are sort of 3 classes of radio:

  • "full digital" where the radio has e.g. a USB port and handles audio, transmit, and frequency set.
  • Some computer-control with RS232, but uses computer audio+adapter to transmit.
  • No digital, use adapter to transmit. This is what the current setup uses (and it works great!)

I'm leaning towards a conventional transceiver, e.g., something from ICOM, Kenwood, Yaesu, (or others) rather than an SDR unit. I'd like the ability to go up to 50-100W if possible.

I don't have a hard-and-fast budget; would like to keep it <$1000 if possible; mostly just looking at used transceivers. Something like a Kenwood TS-590 looks pretty amazing and very "plug-and-play" (but pushing up against price). Something like a Yaesu FT-920 looks pretty feature-rich too; and even something more affordable like an ICOM 706 or even a 725 is probably more radio than I need. Or just grab a new 7300 and call it a day!

Anyway...clearly, I don't know exactly what I want, but figured I'd ask folks with more experience if they have any wisdom. Thanks!

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