Skat skat skat... Yell it, do it in your pants. It's all good
You should probably Google sewage treatment plant tomatoes and see how the seeds don't die when you flush them. Aka poop tomatos
I'll buy it from you for 1,500 caps
Monorail monorail
Don't you need to be working somewhere for 6 months to get unemployment? She's been there for 4
Til the market for Xbox is saturated
Unhomed evicted and is now homeless. Two thugs self-help evicted a young female the other night. After a unhomed individual was able to find shelter. The two thugs by the landlord direction came in and forcefully removed the young female from the bathroom in which she was hiding from the Invaders. Reports also indicate that the tenant needed medical assistance after she was forcefully removed
How did you end up cooking them? I always like slicing them into medallions and frying them up kind of like scallops to help my
Fun fact! Where do you think those missiles are designed? It's not all universities in Boston.
Jawsaw ftw
I'm sorry I think getting Windows games to run on Linux is not nothing. And coming up with custom hardware to run PC games and a handheld form that's affordable is also not nothing. Also making industry standard of cloud saves is not nothing