
joined 2 years ago
[–] pyrflie -3 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (4 children)

Anyone who hasn't planed for this with an account on another service, at the very least like proton, kinda deserves whats coming due to the signs.

I'm no soothsayer and even I can see that Google is making enemies with governments, China, US, and Europe. You can survive one or two but not all three.

[–] pyrflie 10 points 2 years ago (6 children)

See, my worry was Mastadon's Fascist rep. Lemmy's left twist is no sweat of my back.

[–] pyrflie 6 points 2 years ago

Gonna need them in Old Miss. Probably want the servers they upload to outside the US as wells so the data doesn't get "lost".

[–] pyrflie 2 points 2 years ago

I laugh, you laugh, the treasure chest laughs. Fucking mimics.

[–] pyrflie 5 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

No real builds in EA since there isn't any multiclassing, but I can say that their changes to Thief Rogue are going to make a splash. An extra Bonus Action was good in EA and will be even better combined with other classes namely Gloomstalker Ranger and Berserker Barbarian. We tried it at my tabletop group and it was so popular we've added the change to Fast Hands to our house rules.

[–] pyrflie 9 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

As near as I can tell from EA the game ditches the alignment system altogether with only Paladin having something close in their oaths.

That said from the way that I've played through the EA so far my characters have fallen into NG for my Paladin, CN for my Barbarian, LE for my Bard, LN for my Wizard, and N for my Druid. So how I play it will probably depend on background and class.

Edit: On the whole I think Larion's version of the Inspiration system tied to character backgrounds will probably have a bigger impact than Alignment. A pool of 4 possible rerolls on failed skill checks/saves when needed, provided your choices reflect a party member's background, is a fantastic system and one of the better means of implementing it in a video game that I've seen.

[–] pyrflie 1 points 2 years ago

It won't be bug free. Games of this size and scope never are, but at least as of Patch 9 of the EA the only major recurring bug is a freeze when entering some dialogs during long play sessions. It's fixed with a reload though, so it's not too bad.

[–] pyrflie 3 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Since they got rid of Exhaustion from Frenzy I plan to run Karlach as a Berserker 9/Thief 3 with Great Weapon Master. You lose the Sneak Attack, but the chance of 40 damage per round generally beats a pretty certain 7 in my books. Plus there are some pretty good Greataxes and a Maul that does thunder damage when you jump.

[–] pyrflie 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)

There's are mods that add them. You would just need to wait until they are updated for launch.

Cantrips & Shadowblade


[–] pyrflie 5 points 2 years ago

Bard and Cleric don't really work that well together except as a one lvl dip into Cleric for armor proficiencies due to conflicting spell casting stats and delayed spell progression.

Clerics will multiclass best with Monks and Druids and even these are a dubious improvement over pure Cleric. Though there is the niche case for the Tempest Cleric 2/Storm (or Blue Draconic) Sorcerer 10 build.

Bards will want to multiclass with Warlock, Paladin, or Rogue. These can go in a ton of directions depending on what you want the build to do.

[–] pyrflie 4 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (1 children)

If you are looking to get the most out of your multi Rogue 2 (Cunning Action) doesn't do much for Bard as they already have a lot going on with their Bonus Action. Rogue 1 (Expertise) or Thief Rogue 3 (Second Bonus Action) would be more optimal if you really want to focus as a Skill Monkey. The down side of the later is the loss of Magical Secrets.

That said Warlock 2 would probably be just as good, if not better, than either of those depending on which invocations you choose. Agonizing Blast would be a given, but Beguiling Influence, Mask of Many Faces, and Beast Speech would all be strong contenders for the second.

One final thing to note for your Expertise selections, since tool proficiencies haven't been implemented Sleight of Hand covers Lockpicking and Trap Disarming in addition to Pickpocketing making it one of the best choices.

Edit: For my first run I'm torn between Ancients Paladin 6/Archfey Bladelock 6 and Gloomstalker Ranger 5/Thief Rogue 3/Spores Druid 4.

[–] pyrflie 7 points 2 years ago

I literally spent my Friday night blocking Yiff communities.

That shit is like fucking hepes on here.

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