
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 30 points 1 week ago

What a headline. It literally fell 3%... That's not much. Actually still higher than their April value. They dropped more than 50% in the beginning of the pandemic and have not recovered from that. Whereas Airbus easily pushed higher than pre pandemic level. So yeah not looking good since a long time.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 months ago

Found another article analysing this incident and how unlikey it is that the car wash itself caused the screen brick and that Tesla screens generally can run somtimes into those errors and resetting it ususally worked in other Teslas:

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

I'm not aware there is such a list. Logically it's mostly small countries where they speak their own languages where no big corporations that produce ads have any interest in. You probably will find some comment like mine where they mention certain countries but this can always change any day. Sometime there is a single advetiser in a country but even then you will see their ad much less frequently than the common US/English based ads.

I can recommend you the Nord Vpn Firefox addon which allows you to only use vpn for certain domains which would be anything with *

[–] [email protected] 13 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (3 children)

Same as on other platforms twitch ads are location based or in this case ip geo location. They are notoriously fighting ad blockers and have long been opting into ad stream injection which is why most common ad blocking techniques won't work. Basically after all the custom script solutions, like vaft script, started failing l started testing around with VPN taking advantage of the location based aspect of ads. Basically there are countries where noone is paying for running ads. E.g. Czech republic. So basically the most secure way to block ads on twitch is Vpn to certain countries. However I noticed that you need to use IPs from that country for about a day. It seems they are caching your Ip for some but after that you wont get any ads. You can read about all known ad solutioms of twitch here:

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

That is not entirely true. It's a bit more complicated. Yes it is protected since the 1970s but it's more of an academic title. You needed to study something that is "mainly" of technological or scientific nature. Basically befire the Bologna reform every student in Tec. Unis/FHs did get the title Diplom-Ingenieur. So the engineer part was literally part of your degree. This of course also true in case you studied IT. So yes there are many who call themselves IT engineers also in Germany. However it's more of a philosophical question how much software development is actually engineering or rather craftsmanship.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago

Oh nice, I actually didn't know that. Pretty nice feature.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago (2 children)

I don't think there is split tunneling in the browser add-on, not exactly sure what you mean.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago (4 children)

See my update in the main post, please check if you also had split tunneling enabled. Still a weird behavior but now it is narrowed down to this feature.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago

good to hear that I am not the only one and it is reproducible

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago

again, this doesn't make sense as the NordVPN Firefox extension is using the same IP address ranges. Also I tried different VPN server in different regions, even the "IP obfuscating" ones

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

No I am not sure, I don't really see any error message, just a timeout. Not sure how an error of the DNS resolver looks like compared to any error caused by a timeout. However the DNS resolution should indeed be returning a different error, at least when entering a random non existing URL Firefox returns "server not found" instead of "problem loading page"(and NS_ERROR_NET_TIMEOUT in network debugging consoel). But what else could it be? It is so strange that the combination of Firefox and NordVPN extension does work, so it seems that the routing through the vpn network generally works, so it actually has to be something with the windows client interaction I guess.


I normally don't use Firefox very often but wanted to give it a try again. My usual default browser would be Vivaldi (which is unfortunately Chrome based). Anyway I usually have turned on my NordVPN system wide (Windows 10 Edu V. 22H2), which works fine on Vivaldi. I turns out it does have a weird side effect on Firefox. The DNS resolution for "" just doesn't work anymore. Any http request runs into a timeout. Strangely it works on any other google domain like or, also I couldn't find any other domain to reproduce this behavior. Now this wouldn't be such a big deal if google's reCaptcha wouldn't also be used by a lot of webpages and the api is hosted on so basically the reCaptcha box just never appears and I'm stuck on those pages.

I tested it with v. 123.0 (64-bit), in private mode, in safe mode, FF portable 115.8.0 ESR and it is all the same strange behavior.

NordVPN also does have a FireFox Extension and using this extension everything works again.

Also tested it with the FF MacOS version and NordVPN client, here it works.

I can't really explain this behavior other than some weird Firefox behavior together with NordVPN or some interaction with the Windows 10 vpn layer.

Can someone confirm this behavior on Windows? I assume other VPN providers like Mozilla VPN don't have this?

[Update]: Forgive me it was late yesterday. I still can't explain the behavior exactly but for sure the reason is the split tunneling feature of NordVPN. I had it enabled as I only wanted certain apps to go through the VPN and Firefox wasn't on that list. So actually the NordVPN client should have treated FF routed through my default system connection and FF should just not have been routed through the VPN. Now it is more likely that it is some split tunneling bug that for whatever reason the requests are treated differently by NordVPN/FF and are kind of blocked on my side or wrongly routed and never reach the google server.

[Update2]: As @[email protected] noted in the comments, the problem is not only related to Firefox and therefore wrong in this community. It actually also works on other browsers as well. It seems to be a problem of the windows NordVPN client and/or Windows 10. As soon as you use the split tunneling feature and exclude a browser from it, suddenly doesn't work anymore. Very strange, but that's it. Actually for Firefox you should just use the NordVPN add-on anyway as it gives you a lot of flexibility to use split tunneling per domain, which actually works also for then.


I just noticed that you can't access any mod tool like the "mod queue" from this app. I guess it's a niche use case but it would be convenient if mods could use this app also.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by [email protected] to c/pics
Afd-Katze (

x-post von [email protected] Passt hier genauso gut rein 😅


Afd bietet sich natürlich als Sponsor an für ein rechtes influencer Netzwerk, surprise...


Kleiner Vortrag vom Zentrum für politische Schönheit auf dem 37c3. Gibt tiefe Einblicke wie die Afd so tickt und on top noch bisschen was zu CDU und Scholzi, 45min bestes entertainment for free direkt vom Chaos Computer Congress wie dumm und gefährlich der ganze Clownsverein ist:

Oder gleich hier vorbeischauen:

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

version 1.0.88 How to reproduce:

  1. Go to settings > default comment sorting option > select comment sorting preference "sort comments by top"
  2. Go to your inbox and select one of your replies
  3. click on "view full post"
  4. full post opens but comment sorting is not by "top"
  5. coment sorting still works when you access the post not from inbox

Why call it "Connect for Lemmy"? It's so inconvenient and not catchy at all. Might even be misunderstood by most search enaginges when typing in the current name of the app. Just call the app like this community "Lemmyconect"


I love the app but it seems to be very inefficient with caching of data, especially pics. I've been surfing c/pics for a few time and very quickly got the mobile data usage alarm, was almost 2Gb. It seems the app is loading all full pictures of the whole community. Not sure how other apps are doing or how it was done by reddit apps but I'd assume the only preload a lower resolution version of the thumbnails of the pics.

Also it seems lemmyconnect is not properly caching the thumbnails. So if I click on a post in the overview to seen the comment, then go back to the overview, all the pic thumbnails have to be reloaded. You can easily see this when you try surfing in low bandwidth situations.


Just woke up for my final hike

View on Mozarts Birthplace (
submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/pics

Am on a hiking trip around Salzburg right now. Greetings to my new Lemmy friends.

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