You know, I think I should ask my it guy.
I have my primary daily driver laptop running Arch for web programming and writing, my side laptop running arch for monitoring services and writing, my server computer running (again) arch that I use for web dev and jellyfin streaming, and my work laptop running Ubuntu for server management. Not to mention my chromebook for paper weight, and my wife's laptop on Win10 she uses for design stuff. Nobody running games outside of my xBox One.
When I was in high school they tried to do that, but couldn't get something important for it and instead had a student give a play-by-play over the PA of a drunk accident. Nobody paid attention because it happened between classes.
I wonder how many people are left of the original musk groupies that thought musk was so cool and was going to save the world.
Do you still believe? Are you still that stupid?
Nobody can make a guitar sing like Prince.
I have ADHD but I don't tire of foods like most people do. Every morning it's the same kind of bagel and I still love the flavor of it. My wife can get tired of the same protein in different dinners, but I'll go a week on chicken before moving to beef.
I'm asking as I am out of the loop. What are the accusations against Palmer?
Everybody was Kung Fu fighting!
If you want more user owned internet, make federalized services not just more popular, but easier to spin up and run. Lemmy is great, but I should be able to spin up an instance on my home server without much trouble. Give me the ability to run and manage peer tube on my own.
Here's something to blow your mind: podcasts pre-date the iPod.
What ever happened to Beakman?
It was super tender and delicious. I don't have much in the way of poetry for you, but damn it was tasty.