Konbakua, non stop Nimi Nightmare~
I haven't heard of this game before, so Streisand effect? To the judgement system?
On a more serious note people change, and the dev seems remorseful so maybe an early parole won't be out of the question
You're (probably) thinking of timescape cosmology theory!
GTA Online was/is peer to peer. Imagine a world where they chose to have dedicated lobby servers...
Some posts are just rage baits, the vast majority of people who click on them don't look to hear different opinions. No point in engaging really.
a second, smaller me - and their loot is an even smaller me
I think taking the heart out is the part that kills them, unless perhaps you reverse origami it while it's still attached
who knows how many times she used it already/plans to use
why not double half young Norwegian?
Dad trying to exchange the toy from the happy meal for the one I wanted, while me and the siblings are watching