As long as you can't default sort by updates from people you actually want updates from, and omit the fire hose of unsolicited ads and propaganda, it will never even get a whiff of what it started out as.
How is this even a meme?
Wait, these aren't state charges? Or is he indicted federally, too?
He blocked it for like a week, I hardly call that a "major loss".
Finally, the
they're sending us their criminals
projection comes into full view.
If a single tech firm can release one product and hit this "industry" that hard, it was always/already a bubble.
This is either a gaslighting thing or a "clock is correct 2x/daily" thing. It's not sincere in respect to them doing anything about it, for sure. They ruin communities by undercutting local retailers into oblivion, and then pay starvation wages to force many of their employees onto government assistance just to scrape by.
It does not come pre-installed
and for other purposes
I'm interpreting that as AI death panels
we are not going to make enough babies to fill the jobs
Until they ban contraception and force pregnancy or abstinence, en masse. That's coming next, after the national abortion ban.
Forever is only forever until profit margins get tight or they have a bad enough fiscal quarter...