Now 'ere's what crazy-ol' u/peopleproblems would do. Crazy ol' u/peopleroblems would come to the sum of bitches we have in Acquisitions, and say 'how many weeks could a force of exactly Ukraine's force hold a position with everything we have currently sitting in storage deployment ready, but not otherwise deployed? Ok, and how about all the equipment we have being delivered under contract for that many weeks? Ok, now, get me a number to replace all that equipment with the newest contracts set to immediately fill everything we send for that first chunk. Ok, now double it, and phone the pencil pushers to get procurement offers for this shit from the defense manufacturers. Yes, definitely let their boards know too. Oh, don't mention where the already purchased equipment is going, that's national security interest. Just mention the US is interested in making them rich in turn for securing our country for a long time."
"And give that number to Congress?"
"Once the various board members hear first. We gotta feed the handlers before we treat the pawns in Congress."
"Sir is that, legal?"
"It's an official act. I just made it legal."
Won't someone think of the {real-estate values}
No, see, the real red flags are the ones you aren't aware of yet.
Those are the ones I'm frightened of. Like there's just this itty-bit of something just waiting for the right bump to break and cut my brake lines while I'm on the highway.
I don't know what it is, but I know it's there, so I gotta be self-critical until I find the piece to fix!
At the very least I can tell you my job isn't in sales.
I know right? Turns out the kind of fish you attract with that bait are on the "catch and dispose" list.
Amazing I didn't know it was a real thing I thought it was a joke
Edit: cool beans found out one happened in 2019
But nothing else
I appreciate the confidence, but girlfriends require time. While it would be cool and could be helpful to have that extra support around, all I can do is provide money and dick.
Didn't they both have the shitty shift/atari button thing?
There's a lot of caveats to that. It's almost never civilian related casualties, stabilizing traumatic injury, and increasing combatant effective hours. A soldier missing a limb can't fight anymore, no DoD funds for him, unless troop counts are predicted to fall below sustainable amounts and you desperately need a way to keep troops effective.
Well, think of all the new test patients for prosthetic design and human regeneration medicine!
I'm so sorry, it was in my head and it was one of those things that if I didn't say I was going to explode. I am going to hell and deserve any down votes i receive.
After playing sonic generations with my son, I'm all sorts of pumped for this movie. The last two were fun, but this one looks like full unfiltered nostalgia unleashed from Sonic Adventure 2.
The clever Chao Garden, The Ark (and I hope to God they have Cancer Lizard), the city battle, Robotnick's grandfather, Maria, Shadow's Chaos abilities. I really sort of hope for some other famous cheese from the game...
A signed divorce settlement, a divorce decree, and enough out of split assets to buy a home I can call my own.