What are you, a communist?
Or... we can just double the efford for maximizing gains and see introducing 2% with guillotine give as profit?
I also happened to get that at 14:53.
Are there* any stories without sex/romance?
There can be. But what if that made you to look other problems of the life? Like poverty and misguided education to help capitalism or like health problems caused by environmental changes or war for drug money? That is why they stick to the emotional side of humans, love of a partner or care of a parent.
Dersim harekatını teröre karşı bir harekat gibi düşün, dolayısıyla kötü birşey olmasına imkan yok. Kötü birşeydi diyenler devlete karşı isyanı, asker öldürmeyi, sivil halkı abluka altına almayı normal görenler, yani kimler olduğunu biliyorsun.
Atatürk bir 31 Mart olayı gibi ordunun başında değildi, harekatın aşamalarına göre devletin ve ordunun çeşitli kademelerindeki insanlar başındaydı. Ama Atatürk o zaman devletin yönetimindeydi, cumhurbaşkanıydı.
Last I checked, you had to download and launch from Uplay even if you buy game from other stores. I haven't buyed any of their games after they pull a stunt on Brotherhood anyway.
Funny, Sneakers is cınsidered expensive in my country. #ThanksErdogan
Yeah but where
Yes. Like, was it after digested?
Why put an ad while they can directly manipulate your hormones/enzymes?