Start a limo service in Vegas with a fleet for the novelty.
You'd better be well paid, whatever you do. Like politics, all the wrong people go into Excel.
Just read the same article about CA last week; too much solar to be used so the excess solar generated, get this, was sold-often at a loss--to Arizona(the fact AZ can't make it's own sufficient solar shows the willful neglect, economic and political nature of energy!) and it lowered AZ bills but not CA. We're back to energy traders and Enron price manipulations in the US after 20 years.
Batteries will fix much of it but until the grid has proper storage consumers getting fucked by businesses per usual.
Nonsense, I've installed a few, just need some duct tape.
"including myself"
A better question is why hasn't capitalism driven a market for mountain building for ski resorts?
It must be something like(only worse) what math teachers felt when the pocket calculator became cheap and easily available. It doesn't mean you can do math but people conflate the two.
I'm not sure who wins in a battle or cutting off their economic nose to spite their face in the ring between ignorant, manipulable racists in the UK vs. the US. Truly a bout for the ages, going 10 rounds for sure.
In the US and I read mountains of business and economic news,much of most of it assumes the reader supports and agrees with the underlying premises of cronie capitalism. It's a really helpful way to understand how businesses operate, think and where economy and society will be driven.
Heh, thanks for the context and no worries my response was probably way too detailed for a community around ugly software, which this page certainly was. I should probably just have up voted and moved on! There are lots of cheap tickets to operas, matinees and previews (before show officially opens, like a dress rehearsal++) are a great way to see incredible things on a peasant's budget in almost any city.
I'm not a software engineer, just a lowly user, but I habitually dig into the "whys" when things are broken and it always comes back to resource allocation and it's hard to get away from.
"you wouldn't put a dump truck full of movies on a snowy road without chains on the tires would you?"