
joined 11 months ago

When the music, the creativity, the stars and a story are unforgettable.

[–] pdxfed 4 points 13 hours ago

A little less prosecution a little corruption please

All this misdirection is satisfactionin' me

A little less bite and a lot more dark

A lot less right just to serve the sharks

Close your mouth, evil off the chart baby pacify me

pacify me, baby

[–] pdxfed 6 points 14 hours ago

We practiced fucking check writing and balancing a checkbook even though online checking and computers existed already ok? At least something you learned was still relevant.

[–] pdxfed 3 points 14 hours ago

I always giggle when I see comments in a religious thread "Deleted by creator".

[–] pdxfed 6 points 2 days ago

Well hallucinogenic drug usage will plummet, I mean, why bother?

[–] pdxfed 3 points 2 days ago

Excited that for the first time in...decades(?) t's at least a 3-way competition for best in East and each of those teams could at least do some damage(or better) in a finals against western teams. The NBA is better when the conferences have more parity, as well as more closely matches teams within conferences.

[–] pdxfed 4 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Was out for a walk this week with the fam on a popular path, another family near us and chose McGee walks by with his adult doberman off leash sauntering at his side. Dude is 5'10, baseball cap pulled low, black sweatshirt, classic angry rich dude.

The dog walks right up to my partner, I snap at the guy, "can you leash your dog man?" No response, he starts to walk away. "Hey asshole, leash your dog." The guy says "you must be proud to use language like that while he keeps walking away" I said, "well I'm not just going to stay quiet because you're too cool to follow city and state laws." He just walks away. I see him 100 yards later leash his dog because he saw another walker coming towards us with a dog. Almost like he recognized the potential danger his animal presented...but only to other dogs. I reported him to police non-emergency.

The utter commitment to selfish disregard of others to the point of law breaking and endangerment of others is so appalling and utterly common with dog owners.

[–] pdxfed 19 points 2 days ago (3 children)
[–] pdxfed 3 points 1 week ago

"Bare the cost"

Fucking KATU

[–] pdxfed 3 points 1 week ago

Phew, it was awkward having to try to stomach the bulls when Caruso was playing, now I can completely ignore them again and add more OKC games to my docket.

[–] pdxfed 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Sure, the apps are recording all of that, my question is around my TV

[–] pdxfed 4 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Inflation is largely not a problem, corporate price gouging accounts for the bulk of increases. Price gouging increases are an enormous fucking problem for people. Calling it inflation is their script, don't adopt their language.

Consolidation or competitors that has been allowed almost unabated the last 25 years exacerbates the effects.

[–] pdxfed 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (3 children)

I Chromecast content from my computer and phone.

If I don't watch/stream stuff otherwise, and my TV isn't connected to anything else I'm aware of, is my data being exfiltrated? It's a Sony from ~2015


Instead of posting, then having to tediously copy/paste to different instances with similar communities, it would be nice (although potentially crazy spammy) to allow x-posting from one post. This may be less of a Boost idea and more of a Lemmy discussion, but if it can be enabled in Boost I thought that would be a nice addition.


Full bill text: https://sos.oregon.gov/admin/Documents/irr/2024/017text.pdf

TLDR; Oregon corporate tax has a minimum rate of 1%. This ballot measure would raise it to 3% and give $750 to each Oregon resident (including children).

Get ready for an Uber/Lyft level of corporate ads and media spamming to try to sink this common sense bill.


Full bill text: https://sos.oregon.gov/admin/Documents/irr/2024/017text.pdf

TLDR; Oregon corporate tax has a minimum rate of 1%. This ballot measure would raise it to 3% and give $750 to each Oregon resident (including children).

Get ready for an Uber/Lyft level of corporate ads and media spamming to try to sink this common sense bill.


Full bill text: https://sos.oregon.gov/admin/Documents/irr/2024/017text.pdf

TLDR; Oregon corporate tax has a minimum rate of 1%. This ballot measure would raise it to 3% and give $750 to each Oregon resident (including children).

Get ready for an Uber/Lyft level of corporate ads and media spamming to try to sink this common sense bill.


Full bill text: https://sos.oregon.gov/admin/Documents/irr/2024/017text.pdf

TLDR; Oregon corporate tax has a minimum rate of 1%. This ballot measure would raise it to 3% and give $750 to each Oregon resident (including children).

Get ready for an Uber/Lyft level of corporate ads and media spamming to try to sink this common sense bill.


Other than "dont' use Godaddy", what do I need to know? I've never owned a domain or had a website of my own before.

  1. Domain registration/host recommendations?
  2. Web hosting recommendations? Should I mix #1 and #2?
  3. Website template creation suggestions? Have fairly simple needs like service offerings and contact forms but want something without rotating construction cones.
  4. What else should I consider? Security? e-mail?
  5. Am open to all-in-one for the above, just would like to understand tradeoffs, what to look for/avoid.



It’s a common misconception, but if you registered "Independent Party" you aren’t “independent” you are a member of your state’s Independent party, who has a platform and agenda you may or may not agree with. What you actually want is called an "unaffiliated" voter status. The good news is, all you have to do is...nothing!

LA Times had a good summary a few years back: https://www.latimes.com/politics/la-pol-ca-american-independent-party-california-registration-card-20180405-story.html

You don’t need to register with any party to show you don’t like R or D, do nothing or choose "unaffiliated if you want to be “little i independent”.


#USA #politics----


Twice in the last week videos I have viewed have been saved in a boost photos folder. I didn't request to save or download them at any point. Is this based on the site, internal vs. external browser choice, caching or something else?

Obviously is prefer videos not be downloaded if I don't try to save/download them.


It would be nice, and I don't know if it's because the functionality doesn't already exist in Lemmy, but it would be nice to be able to limit one's search to one's own comments/saved/upvoted/downvoted easily--the profile menu where these are listed would make the most sense. The search functionality to search all of lemmy and limit to local/all, etc. is powerful to find content, a particular community, but if I'm looking historically for an article I commented on or saved, upvoted, etc. it would be convenient if this were easier.

Thank you


Price range for retail seems to be $100-250 for IKEA stuff that will fall apart in 3 years, or $1,000+ for something better. Is there nothing in between? Would prefer to buy new with risk of bed bugs or other contaminants but open to other options if I'm missing something.

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