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[–] paultimate14 3 points 9 months ago (5 children)

Are you under the impression that Canada doesn't use imperial measurements for anything?

[–] paultimate14 1 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (1 children)

Oh no I perfectly understand that. In various comments around this article I've said that the people with mental illnesses that compel them to overuse anything are valid and should be helped.

But throwing around the word "porn addiction" as the article is doing is irresponsible and misleading.

And it's possible I missed this, but I haven't found any evidence that any members of this tribe have been diagnosed by any medical professionals with any sort of mental illness. It's just a 73 year old complaining about the world around him changing. And even then, none of his actual quotes from the original NY times interview mention pornography addiction- that seems to have been entirely added by the editors of the various new outlets that have picked this story up. They are trying to sensationalize this story and rile up evangelicals.

[–] paultimate14 3 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Maybe it's just me, but I'm failing to see how accusing Biden of supporting things that he has explicitly condemns is going to help stop genocide here?

[–] paultimate14 5 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (3 children)

Is that a sourced quote from Biden or the administration, or are you just making up a quote to get mad at?

There's plenty of room to criticize Biden for his actual actions in the Israel-Palestine conflict. No need to make shit up.

In fact, the only reason I could think to do so would be if you were his political opponent. Like, hypothetically speaking, if I were a conservative on the Internet trying to undermine Biden's support and also draw attention away from the fact that it's Republicans in the House doing this, I might (hypothetically) post this article with a purposefully vague headline and a picture of Biden on the Internet. Seems doing something like that would serve GOP goals rather nicely, wouldn't it?

[–] paultimate14 2 points 9 months ago

I understand where you're coming from, but there's some significant differences between the two.

The biggest being: alcohol is physiologically addictive. If you're addicted to alcohol and try to stop, you very likely will suffer from a variety of physical symptoms of withdrawal. Alcohol use itself inhibits brain function and cognition that can lead to a downward spiral of bad decisions that is far beyond anything porn can do.

Any amount of alcohol is bad for you, even a small amount. There are some argued health benefits- the argument for reducing stress, for example, but it's pretty close to scientific consensus that alcohol is not worth the benefits.

Porn on the other hand... It's controversial and difficult to find great research because of the history of social, political, and religious stigma and the reliance on self-reporting for studies. However, pretty much every claim that it's bad has been debunked, except in those rare cases involving compulsive disorders. The one solid physiological affect I can find it that it probably lowers blood pressure. There are some possible social affects that are much trickier to study and isolate- empowering women and de-stigmatizing sex.

[–] paultimate14 2 points 9 months ago

Do you mean Scarlet and Violet? I largely agree, but the Blueberry Academy DLC was pretty good. It is set in Unova with a lot of Gen V pokemon added and references to those games.

In general, I'd say that the SV main game is one of the worse ones, but the post-game is among the best.

Gen 5 is still the best though.

[–] paultimate14 10 points 9 months ago (5 children)

If you scroll up a bit, someone else was kind enough to post Biden's quote opposing this piece of legislation.

[–] paultimate14 13 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Link... Look up here! It appears that the time has finally come for you to start your adventure! You will encounter many hardships ahead... That is your fate. Don't feel discouraged, even during the toughest times! Go straight this way and you will see Hyrule Castle. You will meet a princess there... If you are lost and don't know which way to go, look at the Map. The areas you have explored will be shown on the map. Press START to enter the subscreens and Z or R to find the map. On the map subscreen, you will also see a flahing dot showing you which way to go next. Did you get all that Yes/No? (Yes) Alright then, I'll see you around!

[–] paultimate14 3 points 9 months ago (2 children)

And your source is... Some religious leader? An "alpha male" podcaster peddling supplements? Some conservative politician who is trying to keep women barefoot and pregnant?

[–] paultimate14 3 points 9 months ago (3 children)

Do you not see any problem with allowing the media to make up mental illnesses? What's next, protesting? Voting for another party? Refusing to worship the right god, the right way?

If someone is habitually neglecting their health that's already a recognized mental disorder. Ascribing that to the subject of their fixation when there is no evidence that the subject caused that is, at best, irresponsible, and at worst pushing a religious or political agenda.

[–] paultimate14 0 points 9 months ago

Nah it's colonialist to think that these people can't handle our "forbidden knowledge".

They don't need to be protected and coddled. They don't need to be preservered and displayed in their former internet-less state.

[–] paultimate14 3 points 9 months ago (2 children)

Giving people access to the same pool of information and connectivity the rest of the world is collapse?

Giving them the resources to better administer first aid, learn art and music, and share their culture with the world is a sign of collapse?

Letting some tribesman jack off while watching a purple haired woman in California finger herself is a sign of the collapse? Not unless you believe the myths about Sodom and Gomorrah.

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