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[–] partial_accumen 2 points 19 hours ago

I can think of one valid use case for this unsolved by any other solution:

Lets say a company has an SoC board base product currently currently base on ARM. They want to eventually migrate to RISC-V based solution.

If a company has a product currently written to use ARM compiled code, but wants to transition to RISC-V (which isn't ready yet), they could deploy this board which could run today's ARM implementation, and it would be future-ready when the RISC-V implementation would be released without having to replace hardware.

[–] partial_accumen 13 points 19 hours ago (3 children)

From the little I've followed on this topic, any kind of kinetic space junk cleanup (meaning physically touching or capturing the junk) is going to be very very limited in effectiveness for the majority of the junk. For really large things, like an entire satellite still intact, it can make sense, but these are very few of the space junk pieces in orbit today.

The problem is two fold: Space is huge and the junk is very far apart. There are hundreds of thousands of pieces of space junk (mostly small).

The most promising approach to address the majority of the junk is a "directed energy" method. This would be using something like a laser to slightly push space junk into lower orbits where the thin air will slow it over time and it would fall back to Earth.

[–] partial_accumen 1 points 19 hours ago (1 children)

Still… he was unemployed from 2017 to 2021 and he felt in 2020 he was doing better than he was when he had a job and could support himself.

That's quite a stretch. Did he have health issues that prevented employment?

[–] partial_accumen 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

I think people will read this and come away thinking the IDF operating in Gaza is specifically targeting only journalists. I'm not sure I'd say the same thing.

It looks like the IDF operating in Gaza is targeting everyone, including itself, the IDF.

"According to the IDF, as of May 2024, 49 of the 278 Israeli soldiers killed during the Israeli invasion of the Gaza Strip were killed by friendly fire and in other accidents.[1]" source

So about 18% of IDF deaths in Gaza are killed by other IDF. If anyone is questioning that data its collected by the IDF and reported in an Israeli newspaper.

The IDF apparently shoots anything that moves, and that can include Hamas fighters, women, children, the elderly, aid workers from the USA, Palestinians, Britons, and yes journalists.

[–] partial_accumen 7 points 1 day ago
[–] partial_accumen 84 points 1 day ago (11 children)

I think Wolverine must work on the "dollar bill replacement" method. If you have 51% of the damaged bill, you'll get a replacement.

So if you cut Wolverine in half, only the bigger half will grow back.

[–] partial_accumen 45 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Justices that ruled that bribery as "gratuity" is legal:

  • John G. Roberts, Jr., Chief Justice of the United States
  • Clarence Thomas, Associate Justice
  • Samuel A. Alito, Jr., Associate Justice
  • Neil M. Gorsuch, Associate Justice
  • Brett M. Kavanaugh, Associate Justice
  • Amy Coney Barrett, Associate Justice

Justices that ruled that bribery is illegal:

  • Justices Elena Kagan, Associate Justice
  • Sonia Sotomayor, Associate Justice
  • Ketanji Brown Jackson, Associate Justice
[–] partial_accumen 213 points 1 day ago (3 children)

Are conservatives activists so concerned with information related to living under Nazism because they don't want young people to be able to recognize the steps if those steps occur to young people today?

[–] partial_accumen 25 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Patron: Excuse me, what aisle could I find content on 'god's fury'?

Worker: That would be aisle 6.

Patron: oh, excuse me. I misspoke. What aisle could I find content on 'furry gods'?

Worker: Oh, no worries! That would be aisle 8.

[–] partial_accumen 7 points 1 day ago

NK will probably threaten threaten the families of the soldiers sent with execution if the soldiers surrender. Sadly, that can make for a motivated soldier.

[–] partial_accumen 2 points 2 days ago

Dr Miller continued "I very much appreciate Mark's imagination, but I was alarmed when he offered to 'cut me in for 10%' if I supply him with teeth acquired from my medical practice while treating other patients! However, if he thinks 10% would be enough, I call into question his parents education of Mark with regards to the value of a dollar. There's clearly work they need to do in this area. I worry he's on a path to ruin if he doesn't properly identify the risk in his supply chain and shore it up with alternate channels. Also frankly, I don't think he has the liquidity in his operation yet."

[–] partial_accumen 7 points 2 days ago

All news isn't glowing for this changing of the guard however.

Mr. Rogers neighborhood, featured in miniature in the opening credits, consists of small 1940s and 50s bungalows typically built during the affordable housing boom early in the expansion of suburbia. At the time of writing 65% of these former "starter homes" were owned by multinational investment firms that have converted them to high priced rentals. Special dispensation was required from Blackrock International to sell the former Rogers property from its investment portfolio (from which it received healthy tax break for the sale).

With perpetually high property values and today's soaring interested rates, Ms Rachel was required to take on borrowing terms generously called "onerous". This has left the new host cash strapped and unable to finance further growth or needed upgrades to sets and lighting required in today's high resolution production. This resulted in at least one FCC fine, in the third episode of the season, where the legacy 1970s crew had drawn graffiti depicting former President Richard Nixon in sexual congress with former VP Spiro Agnew while defecating on the American Flag was clearly visible in the background of the castle set in the "Land of Make-Believe". Television technology in the 1970s was not detailed enough for any of this to be visible on televisions at home, but today's cameras and 4k high definition TVs in viewers homes are very much capable of reproducing these images to the eyes of today's tots. An apology from the production company was forthcoming, but ironically criticized for its lack of vision.

Lastly, the cash crunch also triggered and exit close in Daniel Tiger's contract allowing the puppet to exercise Free Agency status. Rumors abound about recent visit from representatives visiting with Tiger from the Children's Television Workshop, home of Sesame Street. We reached out to CTW for comment.

Lawerence Bools ,Director of Talent Acquisition at CTW, responded with "Listen, Danial is a powerhouse of talent. Frankly he's been carrying 'Neighborhood' for decades. He was given his own solo show apart from his prior work as evidence of this. He's done well for them but his efforts there hasn't been reflected in his paycheck and maybe its time it should." Paparazzi have captured photographs of Tiger with Sesame Street cast members Elmo, Bert and Ernie exiting Bert's British racing green Bentley Bentayga outside a popular Miami night club. Later pictures show Tiger at a local McLaren dealership accepting the keys to a bright blue McLaren 720s Coupe sports car. Is this a harbinger of things to come?

There's been no official word of other cast changes apart from Ms Rachel's recent takeover.

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