
joined 1 year ago
[–] partial_accumen 2 points 9 hours ago

Thats the idea in concept. Its a bit harder than that though so thats why its not in operation yet.

[–] partial_accumen 1 points 9 hours ago

Looks like the last stock buyback they did was in Dec of 2020. NEM2 was valid for new solar installs up until April 2023.

[–] partial_accumen 3 points 11 hours ago

Hmm, you're making a good point and introducing two new not-yet-considered elements.

  1. Wolverine is only 5'3" (160cm) tall. Was he originally taller, but had a body destroying even, that only 80% of him was able to grow back rendering him shorter than he was before.

  2. Wolverine is Canadian. So neither the USA or Oz money rules apply, but instead Canadian rules. What those are, I do not now.

[–] partial_accumen 2 points 13 hours ago (2 children)

PG&E's only source of revenue is ratepayers. Are you asking non-solar homeowners to pay more for solar homeowners for unneeded electricity?

[–] partial_accumen 33 points 13 hours ago (1 children)

"Today class, we'll look at the christian bible's book of Genesis and its creation myth. We'll refer back to our science class last week about life on Earth containing Carbon 14, and how it can be used to accurately date living things and how wrong the Genesis is. We'll be comparing this to other creation myths such as the Greek and Norse versions."

[–] partial_accumen 6 points 15 hours ago* (last edited 15 hours ago) (4 children)

Solar homeowners are wanting to be paid top dollar for what they produce when surpluses exist when prices for electricity can actually be negative during those times. There is too much supply at that moment, and not enough consumption. This is what NEM1 and NEM2 allow, and what NEM3 tries to address. Where does that money come from to pay the homeowners to make them happy?

[–] partial_accumen 3 points 16 hours ago* (last edited 16 hours ago) (7 children)

On the micro level ( a homeowner), I can absolutely understand the anger and disappointment about the retirement of NEM2 and the adoption of NEM3. At the macro level, whats the other option? The article itself touches on this that more power is being produced than is needed at certain times. That's the time that NEM3 it working to combat.

[–] partial_accumen 10 points 18 hours ago

This was a shockingly good result when compared to the cost of producing this with a set, film crew, actors, costume/makeup, and post production.

It doesn't have to be perfect, it has to be good enough to get your attention between the latest streaming show you or your kid is watching. It will absolutely do that for a tiny tiny fraction of the cost businesses had to pay before.

[–] partial_accumen 17 points 18 hours ago* (last edited 18 hours ago)

Just don’t fuck like a monkey and you will be safe

You can keep your slut shaming to yourself.

Among other things your advice isn't an option for victims of rape, and in some parts of the world HIV is as widespread as rape.

[–] partial_accumen 2 points 18 hours ago

Toy ‘R Us is alive and well in Canada too. There's a Toy ‘R Us store 6 miles from Detroit in Windsor Ontario in Canada, as an example.

[–] partial_accumen 1 points 18 hours ago

It’s probably more likely that HR is keeping HR busy, because what else are they supposed to do when the company isn’t hiring?

I'm not in HR. In my experience there is good HR departments and bad HR departments. In both they were extremely busy all the time. There is a mountain of work HR does that has nothing to do with hiring and firing. Managing employee benefits, compliance with government regulations regarding workplace access, complex rules for reporting, tracking worker complaints and performance improvement plans for workers not meeting expectations.

[–] partial_accumen 11 points 18 hours ago (13 children)

"lenacapavir, a twice-yearly shot developed by Gilead Sciences for the prevention of HIV."

So its not a vaccine, but it would still be incredibly helpful in reducing the spread of of HIV.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by partial_accumen to c/tenforward

So wholesome!


Tom Smothers, half of the Smothers Brothers and the co-host of one of the most socially conscious and groundbreaking television shows in the history of the medium, has died at 86.

The National Comedy Center, on behalf of his family, said in a statement Wednesday that Smothers died Tuesday at home in Santa Rosa, California, following a cancer battle.

“I’m just devastated,” his brother and the duo’s other half, Dick Smothers, told The Associated Press in an interview Wednesday. “Every breath I’ve taken, my brother’s been around.”

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