I understand the rules of the community (everything goes), but God damn am I tired of seeing political news in the shitposting/ meme communities.
Haha, I actually didn't even notice that on the first look. I saw the spinning prop blades them and BMW were after (though the swastika is another likely design influence)
A "bag" in slang terms is a lump-sum of money. I think he believes that since he already "tried" paying them, but was refused (as it was already with collections), that he is somehow going to be able to turn his debt into money.
Don't ask me to clarify anymore. I had to hit myself in the head really hard to make that much sense of it.
pub 1993
Oh wow, so it's been a thing for a while now.
A quick search shows that it is still a thing. However, I'm reading stories from former service employees that are saying that (at least with their company) it was a program, and offered employment to prisoners when they got out, which is good. Not to pretend that it's a-ok to underpay them while they're in, but if it gives prisoners a legitimate avenue of employment upon release I can't shame it too harshly
Hey, nice catch. One of the kid's hands looks like it has a morphed double finger, while the other one looks like it has the crease of a 6th finger at the bottom of the image.
I don't think I'm understanding the problem. What are you trying to find? These are the exact results I'd expect to see with that query
Can you explain the joke?
Are prisons running call centers now..? I've never heard of this
Fantastic reply. Thanks for taking the time to write it out and thanks again for the insight into the very important work you do.
So you self-admittedly call people "bootlicker" as a reactionary statement, with zero regards to whether or not you could be spitting in the face of someone who is on your side.
That's uh.. one way to get people on our side.
You don't have to be here to be "right", but you're not "raising awareness about the parasite class" by calling everyone under the sun a bootlicker because your 2 second assessment tells you that they're a Reddit apologist. You aren't helping by insulting anyone who dares speak against the consensus. You're solidifying the stereotype of the "intolerable left". You're pushing away people who might be slightly misguided but otherwise receptive of education. You're pushing moderates to the right.
In other words, go off about your opinion, but don't kid yourself into thinking that this behavior is productive.
What I'm saying is, not everyone that says anything slightly critical of what you think is a "class traitor". You aren't calling out opposition, you're ostracizing people who want to see the same thing you do.
I also expressed my opinion. My opinion is that if you want to see any progress, it's best to not be a twat to others for no reason. And that "bootlicker" is not a term for genuine people that want to see that progress.
The site the article was written for is irrelevant to the community it is posted in. There's dozens of communities that are aimed towards this kind of content, full of people that want to see it, but for some reason people choose the shitpost community to try to start discussion on something they take seriously.