
joined 2 years ago
[–] paddirn 5 points 2 months ago

My Dad died about 4 years ago now and I still think about him often. Despite being around him for most of my life, I honestly didn’t really get to know him until his last few years when I started taking care of him. By that point though he was starting to fall apart mentally and physically, so it really felt like I was trying to hold onto sand, he just gradually slipped through my fingers, no matter how hard I tried to hold on.

My time with him though helped us to prepare and get his affairs in order, so it was a relatively painless process when it did happen, though I still find myself dealing with minor things here and there, long after probate finished.

I still miss him all the time. He was flawed in many ways, but he was also a better, nicer person than me who should’ve lived longer.

[–] paddirn 60 points 2 months ago (6 children)

This would be depressing as shit if it were true, not really a hallmark movie. I’d be traumatized if I found out a dead brother had done something like that for me and I just blew it off.

[–] paddirn 19 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (2 children)

I keep seeing the backpack as not matching, I don’t get how these are considered the same person, unless is going to be the next blue-black white-gold thing.

[–] paddirn 1 points 2 months ago

If it was before I’d had my kids, probably. Now with my kids existing in the world, I’d essentially be deleting their existences too, so no.

[–] paddirn 1 points 2 months ago

And upon confirmation of my fertility, Lula, their chieftess (34DDD) takes me to her personal sanctuary inside of a rusted out old Greyhound bus on the edge of the ruins of old Cincinnati, close to the Forbidden zone.

Once inside, her personal servants cleanse my body of filth from the rigors of travel. As is tradition with their tribe, soap is applied directly to their nude bodies before being rubbed vigorously across my body.

After an extended cleaning session, and a pat down, I’m deemed acceptably clean for my first mating with Chieftess Lula, who will personally collect my sacred life juice, impregnating herself to produce the tribe’s next chieftess. After that, I would be given the rest of tribe, a slave to their every whim, expected to impregnate their finest, bustiest shield-maidens. I thank past-Me for never having gotten a vasectomy.

Stay tuned for the continued adventures of the Fallout Fuckboy, as he struggles to survive the She-Demons of Cincinnati!

[–] paddirn 4 points 2 months ago

James Gunn did great with Guardians of the Galaxy. I'm not sure many others could've pulled it off as well.

[–] paddirn 13 points 2 months ago (4 children)

The MCU has run out of steam after they got away from the A list heroes. It's not that B- or C- list characters can't do well, it's just that it takes a talented writer/director to do it with a good movie, and Disney/Marvel just isn't capable of getting that consistently on their own, they're too safe & corporate. They're just trying to recreate what made the original MCU run successful, but we've already seen that. I don't know that there's necessarily "superhero fatigue", though trends in movies & pop culture come and go, that's inevitable, but for me it's more been "bad writing fatigue", I'm just sick of their lazy ass shit writing, it's insulting and I'm tired of being treated like that by the MCU.

[–] paddirn 63 points 2 months ago (14 children)

I can never get a vasectomy, I just can't say what will happen in the future. Suppose there's' some sort of societal collapse, man becomes an endangered species, and I somehow end up captured by a tribe of busty amazonian women who want to use me as a breeder, just constant and frequent encounters with different women every night. However, they check to see if I'm still fertile and realize I had a vasectomy, then they kill me and eat me. I can't take that chance.

[–] paddirn 9 points 2 months ago

Live by the Greed, Die by the Greed

[–] paddirn 3 points 2 months ago

Yeah, I try to limit it, but occasionally there will be some half-ass historical event or fact that I remember as part of my argument and I'll go to look it up and realize the actual facts of the matter contradict whatever point I was trying to make. So then I just delete the comment and move on, "Well... I guess I didn't have anything to say about that after all."

[–] paddirn 23 points 2 months ago (4 children)

I think the only thing stopping people from posting even worse inflammatory shit about it is not wanting to show up on an FBI watchlist or something later on.

[–] paddirn 5 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Well, if anyone knows how to fumble a pandemic response, it's this guy. Which is ironic considering what a germaphobe Trump supposedly is, you'd think that'd be the one thing he actually cared about.


I was curious if anyone else had tried out bringing in boardgame content/ideas into their RPG games? Minis are always great to bring in as some boardgames have some great figures to use, but also, just incorporating mechanics, settings, as a mini-game, or just the general idea of a game into an RPG seems like a great resource. There's already alot of RPG-esque games out there that are ripe for plundering and just converting into full-blown RPGs if you wanted, you'd just be adding some additional depth on top of an already defined world. We've just seen Gloomhaven make the leap into an RPG as well with their new crowdfunding campaign.

I just wrapped up a one-shot game (over 3 sessions) of **Mothership RPG **where I merged the RPG with the boardgame Nemesis and it seemed to go well (everyone died, very on brand). I basically used the Nemesis map/rooms/plot and ran it as a sort of pointcrawl via FoundryVTT with randomized encounters in each room. I brought in Nemesis' idea of giving the players competing goals and added some other elements to amp up the paranoia. The two games seemed to compliment each other fairly well, though not really suitable beyond just a one-shot. It probably could've went into a campaign if I had wanted, but I was happy with one of the players rigging the engines to explode and leaving on an escape pod.

Some other ideas I've had merge RPG elements with tabletop games have been with Kingdom Death (I had drafted up some ideas for merging it with The Quiet Year awhile back), Shadows of Brimstone (Hexcrawl, basically adding another layer on top of the game to give it more depth), and Heroquest (I tried out a Savage Worlds conversion of the game).

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