
joined 8 months ago
[–] p0479 3 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Ah, that would make sense then!

turns question (lemmy.world)
submitted 2 months ago by p0479 to c/pixeldungeon

I just had a near near experience

i calculated my turns while under the effect of a levitation potion, and i had 1.17 turns of levitation. I moved and the potion wore off and i was only saved from disintegration by a ring of elements.

I had nothing slowing me down, and have a +5 amour of swiftness, so I'm not really clear why the potion wore off? Screenshot of equipment attached...

[–] p0479 1 points 2 months ago (1 children)

You were suggesting imbue blast so i need a different way to do damage as currently relying MM? If blast does enough damage then useful to know.

[–] p0479 1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (3 children)

i need to rely on upgrading some weapons for doing damage right? Ideally a higher level ranged weapon


Hoping to finally win with six challenges. Wandmaker has a choice of blast or corruption. My default would be blast wave because its got so many benefits, for paralysis, knocking in pits, setting off traps, and blasting yourself out of a tight spot (although chains should cover that here!)

Another question is what to imbue the want with, its currently magic missile. I've not imbued with regrowth before but if i do that i could root / chill / blast and then smack enemies with the spear (should i augment for speed?)

All the weapons in the inventory survived being thrown onto explosion traps. No trinket, i must have missed it somewhere!!!

[–] p0479 2 points 4 months ago

Thats true, its addictive because when you die you can nearly always see how different choices would have led to a better outcome...

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by p0479 to c/pixeldungeon

I was sailing through what looked like my first six challenge mode win. Warlock with vampiric greatsword is fantastic, coupled with both the chains and the hourglass mean easy get out trouble and for zapping with a wand of lightning. Was looking like You would be easy, and it was, until somehow i quaffed a potion of speed and thought i would have two turns at least to escape Yogs attack. Somehow i didn't have two turns, not sure why but gutted to die at the last when it was gonna be my first six challenge win. I dont even think I've died against Yog before as i usually have so many stones and potions that i always find a way to win. I doubt ill ever get a better run than this thats for sure 😭

[–] p0479 1 points 6 months ago

Dammit. only got myself to blame for dying against the DM 300. I had like 4 healing potions at the start of the caves, but standing on two traps really messed me up.

I should have screenshotted one trap room it was insane. I stood on a guardian trap, then immediately stood on a trap of confusion, then onto toxic gas. Without a teleport scroll I couldnt leave the room, but more and more enemies kept coming. I never been so screwed by a trap room before!

But even then I had another healing potion but moronically knocked myself off a cliff with my blast wand, which in the end was the difference. I could have also eaten my food to get a little sleep first...

The problem with being addicted to this game is that I want to play it even when really tired and making awful decisions! The lesson is, when making bad decisions, stop playing and come back later...

[–] p0479 1 points 6 months ago (3 children)
submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by p0479 to c/pixeldungeon

Have beat Tengu on my best 6 challenges run so far with warrior. Lucky to get the ring of might +1 with good weapons, defensive wands and armour. I haven't really succeeded with berserker before but I think this is a good build for it... is it worth going this route? Planning to get upgraded armour and then getting to +5 ring of tenacity as it seems this ring is perfect for berserker runs.

[–] p0479 6 points 7 months ago

Shattered Pixel Dungeon

[–] p0479 3 points 7 months ago

Don't think I ever completed it with scale... I hold out and get plate or I die

[–] p0479 2 points 7 months ago (1 children)

I found the shocking skill useful for stunning especially in water. I meant to test the lucky enchantment out in the elemental strike but forgot... what does the blocking and grim do? But yeah a list of them would be good, there may be some weapons worth hanging on for purely for a good elemental strike.

[–] p0479 1 points 7 months ago

Done it!

First win with pharmaphobia First win with badder bosses First win with duellist First win with three challenges

Ascending I found a scroll of upgrade in an evil chest 🤣

so ended with a +6 shocking greataxe and +6 ring of haste which isn't bad

[–] p0479 1 points 7 months ago

Done it!

First pharmaphobia win First win with duellist First win with three challenges

Ascending I found a scroll of upgrade I missed 🤣

so ended with a +6 shocking greataxe, which isn't bad

[–] p0479 1 points 7 months ago

I wouldn't say I have a strategic plan, I just try upgrade it as high as possible. I only use it in a place where I am relatively safe, but the upgraded spell book is too much fun to not upgrade

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by p0479 to c/pixeldungeon

First time I have got this far with three challenges. I had to pull all the stops out to get past the Dwarf King!

Picked up a ring of wealth early on, then the trap mechanism trinket. Got the wast of blast wave +2 and talisman of foresight... so upgrading the trinket was a no brainier. Lots of fun times knocking enemies into pits and traps. The sneak ability was a godsend for getting in the right place to knock enemies about!

Seed hmx-wdt-kbp. Wish me luck for the last few floors... the +3 greataxe I got from the dwarf king will help!

The challenges are champions, badder bosses and pharmaphobia

Update: just transmuted my +6 ring of wealth into a ring of haste. Sweet! Also got mages wand shield ability from upgraded transmutation and two potions of experience. Now to face Yog!

Changing Armor (self.pixeldungeon)
submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by p0479 to c/pixeldungeon

I was doing pretty well on my attempt with three challenges. With huntress my +3 chilling sword and +1 spear was a nice combo for killing skeletons and guards. But I put on some too heavy armor to identify in a well and forgot to change it back. Got ambushed in the next room by 4 skeletons but they were on the other side of a big room... thought I had definitely enough time to change armor back.


But I haven't been able to find out how many turns it actually takes to change armor, I would like to know so I don't die like this next time. Surely not more than six turns? Not only did they time to cross the room but also seemed to get at least three hits each

Although maybe I will actually remember to change it back after id next time...

Edit: also, is your armor basically zero if you get hit while changing armor?

Edit 2: in the new UI update, would it be possible to say how many turns it will take to equip an item?

submitted 8 months ago by p0479 to c/pixeldungeon

Picked up a +2 greataxe on floor 2 and a ring of might. By floor 9 I picked up +1 plate armour, wand of fire and corrosiom. Chains allowed me to destroy Tengu with barely any damage. Think it will soon be time to try Doom Slayer...

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