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[–] oxomoxo 23 points 3 months ago (2 children)

You computer has a feature for Out of Band management. Either WoL as others have mentioned or vPro(Intel), iLon(HP), iDrac(Dell), as well a few other less popular systems depending on who makes your mainboard or NIC.

This leaves the power on to the network card so that it can be used even with your computer off. It does not have access to your normal computer in the this case. Just the ability to turn on/off the system and sometimes options to update BIOS/UEFI firmware and send a console image to either a client or browser.

The lights are blinking because broadcasts packets from other devices on your LAN are sent to every device. This is normal and expected behavior.

[–] oxomoxo 2 points 3 months ago

I think there is some confusion here between copyright and patent, similar in concept but legally exclusive. A person can copyright the order and selection of words used to express a recipe, but the recipe itself is not copy, it can however fall under patent law if proven to be unique enough, which is difficult to prove.

So you can technically own the patent to a recipe keeping other companies from selling the product of a recipe, however anyone can make the recipe themselves, if you can acquire it and not resell it. However that recipe can be expressed in many different ways, each having their own copyright.

[–] oxomoxo 1 points 4 months ago (1 children)
[–] oxomoxo 1 points 4 months ago

Yeah that’s it, this website explains it.

[–] oxomoxo 2 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Tech companies are operated like any other company and have a wide range of employees. Also not every tech position is highly employable. I know from personal experience in tech middle management that many employees are very easy to replace and have very common skill sets that are oversaturated in the market. Many many tech workers are absolutely operating in survival mode in 2024.

[–] oxomoxo 4 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (3 children)

Psychopath is being used in a colloquial way here and not an exact diagnosis. Even if they are actual psychopaths they are known for being very charismatic and there are a lot of sadomasochistic people in the world who are motivated by punishment.

Further the people who work directly for these people want to be them, so they see it as just part of the process.

Another factor is money, it's a motivator. Those who work lower down the org chart can often be desperate, struggling to get by and get used to the punishment, convincing themselves that it would be worse elsewhere.

The Idea that life is short and work just isn't worth it comes from a place of privilege and the luxury of time for self reflection. Something not everyone can afford when one lives in survival mode.

[–] oxomoxo 12 points 4 months ago (1 children)

You can also use Gadgetbridge to use some headphones without their companion apps.

Gadgetbridge Headphones

[–] oxomoxo 4 points 4 months ago

I think the issue here is there is the rule book and then there is the reality we all live in. Like when you tell an adult as a kid you’re being picked on at school and they say “just tell the teacher”.

Sometimes the situation doesn’t work out in your favor when you play by the rules.

It could be argued that this person feared for her life because the man that was abusing her was caught and now free and he blames her. If he is intent on finding a way to murder her, a restraining order won’t stop him. So in her mind it’s either play by the rules and allow for the potential of having this man murder her at any moment, living with this thought every day of her life or take care of this problem herself and deal with the consequences which is spend time in prison alive or live in fear of death.

I honestly sympathize and understand where this might be less revenge and more pre meditated self preservation.

[–] oxomoxo 4 points 4 months ago

This works in Powershell as well, even on Windows...

[–] oxomoxo 1 points 4 months ago (1 children)

There is nothing wrong with your proposed design. It’s unnecessary to run the cameras all the way to the same switch as your NVR.

[–] oxomoxo 3 points 4 months ago (1 children)

I overheard some drunk fur traders speak of lands beyond both the west coast and the mid-west. They say if you can fight off the sea monsters and solve the riddles of an old hermit, you will even find lands to the far east. A land of milk and low interest rate home loans. I hear they don’t even have a word for roommate there…

[–] oxomoxo 9 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Therapist, hospice, nursing , sports medicine, massage… a lot of jobs require some level of physical or mental intimacy.

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