Foundation and Final Fantasy VII Remastered. I am loving foundation and really excited for FF7.
Im convinced he was transmitting the braincell to the other neighborhood orange kitties. They have a time share on it.
Heck yea, thank you for the idea. I do play D&D and I’ve been trying to come up with a stackable dice holder that fits in a small go bag. I’m a minimalist at heart so if it’s tiny and functional it’s perfect.
Thank you! I printed a couple for my friends to play with. The downsides were they take forever to print and are prone to warping, but I learned some adhesion skills that helped, like using glue stick on the bed.
Now your at 69 - ✨Nice✨
Really nice work! I made a similar one for my leatherman and it was an incredibly satisfying process. I liked how your final color came out. Post a pic after a few weeks so we can see the patina!
Don’t mind me, I’m just here for the quality film choices. Pass me the remote and lets watch the third one.