is the most likely source that I know about.
Revanced is worth it's bytes in gold. Now when I see people watch YouTube with ads it gives me a "wow people really put up with this" thought
And no one went up to it with an angle grinder? Pretty sure you can cut it with a diamond blade.
I disable all "play videos in feeds" features which allows me to both not get sucked in and not feel overwhelmed when running on low "stimulation resistance energy".
P. S. What's the word for the energy reserves that you use up in social gatherings and whatnot?
I mean it's not that crazy if it saves you a trip to whatever store.
Going to a single place to replace something can take an hour so we can subtract that. Getting paid $5 an hour for a fun activity is also an absolute steal.
I'm with you that the title and ranking of US as #10 is wrong. The graph is still just a graph of a select few countries with a large population as an illustration.
The way OP presented it is misleading as if those are the top ranking countries and that this is the entirety of their development aid. The article is specifically for aid provided by the state for DAC/OECD members which excludes private aid where it doesn't contain ranking and only contains a short list of countries.
The post is misleading, the Wikipedia isn't.
Had a similar model, can confirm
I wouldn't go as far as to say extremely misleading. The graph there does show foreign aid per capita after all with a selection of western countries.
The title of this post is wrong and should either focus more on Luxembourg/Norway or say that US is behind some other country in foreign aid per capita.
Underrated joke
Short circuit overheating comes to mind
Aliexpress quality control is much better than Stein and Temu. It's reflected in the price. You have to toe the line or get removed as a seller if the product doesn't match the description. I've bought phones of Aliexpress and a laptop and they all matched the brand and specifications. The laptop did come with a Chinese windows but a Linux install fixed that easily.
I thought it meant that "Here no questions are stupid" where it implies you shouldn't feel embarrassed about asking strange or simple questions.