joined 9 months ago
[–] oDDmON 6 points 1 month ago

Thanks for the TL;DR!

[–] oDDmON 3 points 1 month ago
[–] oDDmON 25 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Didn’t conservatives whine endlessly about “activist jurists”? Def the pot calling the kettle black.

[–] oDDmON 11 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Snoo better watch Spez closely; he’s likely to be fucked next.

[–] oDDmON 3 points 1 month ago

My Dad bought one and took it with us on family camping trips.

I still remember the weird and eerie warbles, chirps and harmonics; creepier than many camp fire ghost stories, under the right conditions.

[–] oDDmON 4 points 1 month ago

That was then and the money grab continues to this day.

[–] oDDmON 37 points 1 month ago

Wage theft from children; those’re some real scumbags.

[–] oDDmON 5 points 1 month ago

May she fail miserably, proving she’s a putz in yet another aspect of her life.

[–] oDDmON 1 points 1 month ago

Some critics argue the DEA shouldn’t change course on marijuana, saying rescheduling isn’t necessary and could lead to harmful side effects.

Hey, fuckwits! We’ve already had 50 YEARS of harmful side effects from Nixon’s policy perfidy. GET OVER YOURSELVES.

[–] oDDmON 8 points 1 month ago (1 children)

The Document Cloud data from this survey of roughly 1100 Americans, was unreadable on mobile.

“Cable news” is such an amorphous term, with plenty of crossover (“Get your NBC News on our app, or Roku and stay connected…”) that I’d like to see their definitions before commenting further.

One data point I found depressing? People who get their news via print only, were least prevalent; less than those who said they avoided news in any form.

[–] oDDmON 30 points 1 month ago

It’s specifically the gutting of benefits his voters use, yet they remain faithful. Fucking bewildering.

[–] oDDmON 7 points 1 month ago

Obviously 55% of Americans may find Prevagen helpful.


Memmy now opens an off centered (placed out of frame, in the upper right of the screen), tiny, version of any image I open.

I have to pull every image over to the left and down, see it fully.



Some 330,000 years ago, giant apes the size of elephants roamed the forests of southern China. Their massive teeth—once sold as a "dragon tooth" by a Hong Kong apothecary—gnawed tough leaves and devoured fruit. Then suddenly, while other primates were thriving, these supersized orangutan-like creatures vanished with almost no trace.


Some 330,000 years ago, giant apes the size of elephants roamed the forests of southern China. Their massive teeth—once sold as a "dragon tooth" by a Hong Kong apothecary—gnawed tough leaves and devoured fruit. Then suddenly, while other primates were thriving, these supersized orangutan-like creatures vanished with almost no trace.

Houston, we have problem (coastal.climatecentral.org)
submitted 5 months ago by oDDmON to c/[email protected]

Linked, an interactive world map that shows different coastal flooding scenarios, over time. Six years from now, parts of Texas will be migrating inland.

submitted 5 months ago by oDDmON to c/lemmyshitpost
submitted 5 months ago by oDDmON to c/funny

Pai, who chaired the FCC from 2017 to 2021, during the Donald Trump administration and was often derided online mostly for undoing the net neutrality rules, is now a partner at Searchlight Capital Partners, a global investment firm.

”America’s Public Television Stations are honored and delighted to welcome Ajit Pai to the APTS board,” said APTS president and CEO Patrick Butler.

Fox in the henhouse, again.

submitted 6 months ago by oDDmON to c/news

After update they’re too big, and bold, readable from five feet away.

They also limit the visible posts from 8 or more before, to four or five now.

How do I fix this?

AI Is About to Remake the PC (www.marketwatch.com)
submitted 7 months ago by oDDmON to c/technology
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