
joined 11 months ago
[–] nyctre 1 points 31 minutes ago* (last edited 29 minutes ago)

I'm enjoying isle of arrows right now. Tower defense but instead of having a set map and same towers you get to draw cards and have to make do with what you get. Some cards give you pathing for the mobs, other expand the buildable area, others give you towers. Simple and fun. Game pauses between waves so you can take as long as you want to prepare.

[–] nyctre 2 points 2 hours ago

Yeah but like this you can vote 3rd party every four years and then do nothing else and then you can go on Lemmy and claim you're both anti trump and anti genocide and have the moral high ground.

[–] nyctre 1 points 12 hours ago

I would, sure, but I'm not sure about the majority. Dunno... Most people are super uninformed and vote based on silly shit. They put less thought into it than they do into the stuff they buy at the supermarket. And most people don't put much thought into that either, I was surprised to find out.

[–] nyctre 0 points 19 hours ago* (last edited 19 hours ago) (2 children)

Are you just making up people and arguments? Because that's not an argument that I hear people making. Also it's too late now and no other democrat could beat trump right now, unfortunately

[–] nyctre 0 points 20 hours ago* (last edited 20 hours ago) (4 children)

Like I said, people that think voting 3rd party in november is gonna change something aren't gonna be swayed either.

[–] nyctre 3 points 1 day ago

So you actually believe that after the elections are over when one of the two candidates will inevitably win that your 3rd party vote will have done anything other than the obvious 2 things? (Either nothing or just raise trump's chance to win). If you actually care, the sensible thing to do is make everything possible to make sure trump doesn't win then start protesting asap and doing everything in your power for the next 4 years to make sure you get more and better options.

[–] nyctre 1 points 1 day ago

It was just a honeypot. Served its purpose.

[–] nyctre 0 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Yes? Idiots are even easier to control than people you are blackmailing or paying off.

[–] nyctre -1 points 1 day ago (6 children)

There's no good way to argue with trump supporters so this is the easiest, least brain damaging way. All the arguments have been beaten to death 10 times over. And those that still claim 3rd party votes in november will change anything for the better won't be swayed either.

[–] nyctre 2 points 1 day ago

We also use cupă for the red heart and pică (pike) for the black one.

[–] nyctre 2 points 2 days ago

He was supposed to have a cellmate but didn't have one that night. Guards were supposed to check in on him constantly but didn't do it that night. The surveillance camera malfunctioned that night. He had broken bones in his neck that often break when you're strangulated and rarely when hanging yourself.

You're telling me that it's more likely for these 4 events to happen at the same time than for someone rich and powerful to just pay a couple of people to have him killed?

[–] nyctre 2 points 4 days ago

Yep, Christianity is filled with stuff like this and art. Most churches contain a decent amount of art. Most famous of all being the Sistine chapel, ofc. Found out this year about The Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran. Which is basically the Pope's main church. Always assumed it would be the one in Vatican, but no, it's a different one, in Rome. It's a very impressive place. Huge statues. This being the best. St Bart is said to have been skinned alive, hence the knife and his face.

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