
joined 5 months ago
[–] notanaltaccount 1 points 5 months ago

They required a lot more, probably hundreds. Very few I read cover to cover. Reading is boring to me. I have no reason to waste my tike on things I find boring or increase my sufferring level. I probably skimmed briefly and read the back cover of hundreds of books.

[–] notanaltaccount 1 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (4 children)

If you say you're considering going to a hospital they will talk you out of it

If you say you don't want involuntary treatment, they'll get the battering ram

They do not always force everyone into involuntary treatment but they get caller IDs and can send police and force people to be locked up, with devestating financial consequences. A small weekend crisis can decend into long term financial instability or even homelessness if someone calls 988. Involuntary care is always horribly expensive.

A hospital stay of 25,000, which would not be an abnormal cost for a month long involuntary stay, can be taken from you by a collections company by seizing a car you use to get to work and deducting money directly from your paycheck. The financial hell can last years.

If the mental health industry really "cared" they wouldn't engage in brutal exploitation like that. Upset about the lack of a car and the collections company taking your wages and even more in an abyss? If you complain to 988, they'll lock you up again and increase the debt more, then let you out on new drugs to go stay at a shelter if you've lost your housing while continuing their collection practices. They fundamentally don't care and are a den of vipers that selectively target their prey for maximum resource extraction.

Although 988 and the involuntary hospitals and personelle and collections companies are not one monolith, they are all heads of the same hydra that emerges when a person is at their weakest, looking for its next meal.

They pretend mental health is the priority and everything else must come second, ignoring the reality that extreme financial distress always results in misery, then cause long-term financial distress by exploiting the legal and regulatory environment to charge exorbanant prices when someone can't refuse treatment. They are not stupid and know the horrific impact of severe financial distress, which they cause, hurts the downtrodden. They continue to operate this way because money has corrupted them. Often the medications they prescribe, such as SSRIs, do not even have statistically meaningful improvement outcomes as compared to a sugar pill as measured by metastudies. They know this, and also know a patient held captive will say anything, including a sugar pill is helping, to stop being held captive by a corrupt and deranged greedy industry.

Like a well-dressed vampire inviting you over for supper, they always seem nice until you are powerless, and if they don't end up extracting as many resources as possible from you they know you'll go on to be their cheerleader to bring in the next round of prey, and so occasionally they don't exploit select people to keep up appearances.

Congratulations on being their cheerleader.

(Also, I am not a scientologist, I believe the earth is round, global warming is real, and that some medications, including psychiatric medications, have statistically meaningful impacts to justify usage. I believe in the scientific method. But fuck the mental health industry and the vile scum of the industry who exploit those at their weakest and call the exploitation healing.)

[–] notanaltaccount -1 points 5 months ago

I am also glad i rate my own subjective opinions as true

[–] notanaltaccount 10 points 5 months ago (2 children)

Wild response

The idea od suggesting following any prior tactics of Andrew Jackson is revolting, as cool as your response is

[–] notanaltaccount -2 points 5 months ago

Skill issue? How dare you confuse my lazyness with my skill level!

[–] notanaltaccount 8 points 5 months ago

If there were ever a time for Dark Brandon to emerge, this would be it!

[–] notanaltaccount 0 points 5 months ago

You're wrong. It is entirely valid for me to think this.

The entire profession is different labels for the same polluted over-priced tainted water, and even if people didn't enter the profession to become controlling charlitans and grifters, the rules of the profession ensure that transmogrification happens sooner or later.

[–] notanaltaccount 35 points 5 months ago (8 children)

Biden doesn't have the balls to do this. It would be cool as heck if he did.

[–] notanaltaccount -1 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (2 children)


How would you know if my hatred of the mental health industry is valid? You haven't lived my life or endured the hell I endured. They are ALL vile.

[–] notanaltaccount 0 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (2 children)

Why is that trolling? At least 5 but cover to cover. Like that i read all of it, not just like parts and the back cover.

I skimmed many books, well over 10.

I dont get why some people have a hard time believing some people find reading boring?

I stand by everything in the prior post.

[–] notanaltaccount 2 points 5 months ago (1 children)

I appreciate the gesture, but after my terrible mental health industry experiences, I pass on all of it, even in anonymous reading format.

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