An approach 3rd party apps can take could be just hiding the "different instances" aspect of the lemmy and just registering users to a certain preselected instance such as or I don't know how legal or viable it is but I don't think it would cause much difference for most of the users. Though I feel like hiding a crucial aspect would be a kind of shame.
Great choices, imo Yakuza 0 is the best Yakuza game regarding the funny side quests, they are so absurd that you don't get bored at all.
Dead Cells is also a top tier roguelike, I personally have 100+ hours on it.
Diğer arkadaşların da dediği gibi yavaş yavaş büyümemiz yararımıza olur. Zaten herhangi bir yayıncı/influencer vs. lemmy ye katılma yollarını adım adım göstermedikçe bilgisayarla haşır neşir olmayan arkadaşların katılması biraz zor olur diye düşünüyorum.
Ben reddit kullanan birkaç dostuma göstermeyi planlıyorum buraları, belki ilgilerini çekebilir.
I unfortunately feel like it probably will end well for them, there really isn't a mainstream alternative for reddit. Lemmy isn't that easy to get into as an average user and the information on the reddit that have amassed over the years is just insane, I assume a lot of people are going to keep using reddit as if nothing has happened.
Well I don't but I have a very small bin that is perfect for the toilet lying around, I might as well put it to the toilet thanks to this post
Yeah I am on the same boat, I found a lot of downtime at work today so I decided to check lemmy out and loving it so far.