
joined 2 years ago
[–] niktemadur 1 points 21 hours ago

I mean this in the best possible way, with utmost admiration:
This feels like a classic Tintin cartoon panel.

[–] niktemadur 1 points 22 hours ago

But they were the ones that prayed, if it wasn't for them bringing it up to the storm god of the desert's attention, he would have done NOTHING, you see? The narcissism behind the veil of piety?

[–] niktemadur 12 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (2 children)

... and then confidently declare that they made it happen?

[–] niktemadur 3 points 1 day ago

Ah yes... the ol' Planck approach, I like it!

[–] niktemadur 13 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

peanut rubber for WWII

Ok, it sounds like you're making shit up, although I know it's true.
There was also hemp oil and hemp rope, used extensively in planes and ships. Then it got criminalized (or re-criminalized, I forget) right after the war ended. Gotta keep those Dupont execs rolling in the patents money, amirite!

Still, this is some gourmet Willy Wonka fantasy material.
Has a comic/manga made GWC into a steampunk superhero scientist yet?

[–] niktemadur 23 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Ok, sure, why not, but wait, hear me out:
A.I.-powered toilet, on the blockchain, and call it Shitcoin!

[–] niktemadur 1 points 2 days ago

Phong shue!

[–] niktemadur 6 points 2 days ago

No, Frodo did not, in fact, destroy the ring.
It was Gollum that done did the deed!

[–] niktemadur 5 points 2 days ago

How stupid delusional entitled can stupid delusional entitled get?
It's a near-bottomless pit in that flat and dull cartoon fantasyland between their ears, a smooth lump of white fat where wrinkly brain matter should have been, but grew in time atrophied.

[–] niktemadur 2 points 2 days ago (1 children)

"And just what is it that happens inside the box?"
"Quantum yeets!"

[–] niktemadur 8 points 2 days ago

Admiral McArtroll!

I shall return... to shitposting!

[–] niktemadur 7 points 3 days ago

L'imposition! Sans représentation!


In the same vein, what about a stellar-sized black hole like Cygnus X-1? At this size the rate of evaporation is quicker, right?


This all seems as exotic or esoteric to us now as these invisible electromagnetic waves were to Heinrich Hertz, who reportedly regarded them as mere scientific curiosities with no practical applications.

Unable to foresee radio, television, telephones, remote controls, microwave ovens, Wifi, Bluetooth... you get the point, that "thing with no practical applications" is now a staple of daily life, and all around us. We have fully tamed Electromagnetism.

Now with things like Quantum Computing and Bose-Einstein Condensates, we are starting to tame a new esoteric scientific curiosity - the probability wave function, the Uncertainty Principle.

Heinrich Hertz did not foresee things like satellite television and Spotify while looking for a spark flying across two metal tips from his dark room in the 1880s, but surely we have a better grasp of what potential benefits the newest technologies have in store for humanity?
Or are we for the most part still in the Hertz-like naive fiddling process?

Either way, there is going to be some incredible magic inside that quantum box!


For example, Humphrey Bogart as Indiana Jones in Raiders Of The Lost Ark. Or say Gregory Peck in Saving Private Ryan. Or how about James Dean as Luke Skywalker!


In the color lines of a spectrograph and what seems to be an area with a certain color, zooming in shows that this color is delicately split in half by a black vertical hairline, on one side it's the emission of photons of color by a hydrogen atom with a spin up electron, on the other it seems to be the same color but it's a spin down electron.

Whenever I hear that gap mentioned, 1/137 is invoked, but I'm not sure precisely what that means, and I'm visualizing that the color of the spectral emission can be divided or deconstructed into a total of 137 vertical lines, and the one in the middle is black.

Maybe it represents 1/137 of a photon's wavelength at a certain color?


Nolan que se aviente la de Fantomas.


En el último evento - Laser Run - salió el mexicano Emiliano Hernandez como #11, algo así como 40 segundos después del primero, un egipcio.

Tras la primera vuelta corriendo el circuito y llegando a las pistolas de tiro con laser, dice el locutor: "Ya llegó el mexicano", y en mi mente acompleté la frase: "...tarde pero sin sueño".

A fin de cuenta, este chavalo Emiliano rebasó a varios y terminó en cuarto lugar.

Nomás quería compartir. Saludos a toda la palomilla.


EDIT: I mean directly from the box, NO casting from a phone or tablet.

All their channels are on-air via Livestream - here's an example - but a couple of years ago the parent company Vimeo discontinued their app for Roku, they just digitally yanked it out of our streaming boxes.

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