Best view of the stars this side of the Canadian border. Love this park.
FreeTaste 2.0
Imagine someone infecting a user's implant with a script that makes everything you eat/drink taste like leftover Jägermeister in a cup from a week ago
I respect that and will punch you in the face
I've looked into this before, thought it was cool. I get out often and was unable to really justify a use case for it. Something that would be fun to toy around with and then stick in a drawer forever.
I've personally never felt any different after some drinks on a flight versus on the ground. I didn't find any study or anything that supports this, I was trying to find something that supported what they said (and I have also heard it said). All I could find was speculation. I wouldn't even feel a drink an hour at my height and weight.
It's a tinge of tongue. A tounge, if you will
Yes, its a soft chew and quite good. I've only really had it in lengua tacos, but I would be all over this.
I've heard that as well, though I looked it up and it doesn't seem to have any hard evidence (from a cursory google search). The one thing I did see that seemed convincing is that higher altitudes have less oxygen, so your blood will have less oxygen making you feel more drunk at a BAC level you would be fine with on the ground.
That's actually not that many, assuming they weren't guzzling 10 in the first hour. Depending on height and body weight, a drink an hour wouldn't even put a male's BAC above the legal driving limit in most places in the U.S.
Drunk or not, they should definitely be catching charges
West Virginia passes law allowing the shooting down of drones if they are suspected of potential sabotage to a business' operations
LOL you're wrong. That's it. And then you continue to refuse to accept that fact. You haven't provided any actual argument here except for that straw man about whether or not it's okay for people call things whatever they want. Your anecdote about "I've heard people call it that" carries no weight. I mean, just look at their website:
Or wikipedia:
I mean seriously, you've gotta be trolling at this point.
The issue I had with using it for code is that the scrolling in the video seemed pretty bad, which is pretty essential for it. Would love an e ink monitor dedicated to code/terminals, so I'll be waiting to grab one when the frame rate's a bit better. Also, in some of the footage of them writing in Word looks like there's a decent amount of burn-in. I'd do it for $2k today if it had better frame rate for scrolling/typing and much less burn-in.