
joined 1 year ago
[–] nexusband 13 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

What a load of bullshit, Voters that don't turn up are the most dangerous of them all, because it lowers the percentage and skews the votes. If 40% go voting and make their vote invalid, those 40% still get counted, meaning the percentage for other parties is overall lower.

[–] nexusband 3 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Well, what do you expect if an unintentional Geo Engineering experiment get's shut down one day to the other. The Oceans are running a fever because of that...temps have jumped 2-3°C in just 3 years. More heat, more humidity, more dark clouds, even more energy - more temperature, less Co2 Absorption... But it would be great, if we could stop all that doom and gloom stuff. There's still quite a lot of positive stuff happening.

Edit: To clarify, I'm talking about the IMO (International Maritime Organization) lowering the sulfur in crude oil for ships from 3% allowed to 0,5% in 2020 and the resulting "darker" clouds, due to sulfur "binding" water molecules. This in term lead to about 80% more energy from the sun that got "transferred" in to the atmosphere and the oceans, instead of being reflected with "white" clouds.

[–] nexusband 8 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

It can be learned, but you have to be willing for it and it needs a special trait as base requirement, neither Putin nor other Dictators have: Humility and Honesty.

[–] nexusband 2 points 1 month ago

Geht auch nich um den Dude selber, sondern um etwaige Gäste und anderes. Aber das ist am Ende pP (persönliche Präferenz).

Die Vodafone Station taugt nich viel...aber sie sollte ausreichen, wenn ein Kabel dran ist.

[–] nexusband 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (2 children)

Weil zum einen WLAN Adapter für ein Synology teuer sind, dazu noch eben ein ordentlicher Adapter noch teurer. Du hast beim WLAN sehr viele Punkte, die Fehler verursachen können - und zwar auch solche, wo du dann auf dem Trockenen sitzt, im Sinne davon, dass du nicht mehr ans NAS kommst. Weiterhin hast du bei einer direkten LAN Verbindung mit dem PC dann noch andere Probleme.

Wenn du dir einen Gigacube 5G besorgst und den bei dir im Zimmer platzierst, kannst du alle möglichen Probleme umgehen und hast dein "eigenes" Netzwerk. Damit musst du dann nich so sehr drauf achten, alles zu vor deinen Mitbewohnern zu Schützen, standardmäßig "schreit" so ein Synology durch das Netzwerk, dass es da ist. Dazu kannst du, wenn du eben von außen Backups machen möchtest, einfach entsprechende Ports die nötig sind freigeben.

[–] nexusband 5 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (4 children)

Unter den Umständen würde ich tatsächlich irgendwie versuchen ein LAN Kabel ins Zimmer zu bekommen und dann zumindest ein ~~echtes~~ extra Netzwerk machen. Fritzbox auf Kleinanzeigen oder sonst wo günstig besorgen und im Router Modus hinter der Vodafone Box betreiben...

Oder du besorgst dir einen Gigacube 5G.

[–] nexusband 3 points 2 months ago

Freedom of press is a very long process, as it's directly tied to all the people, actor, influencers and involved parties in that given country.

[–] nexusband 7 points 2 months ago (1 children)

But this kind of shit has been happening for quite some time. Spain, Italy, UK...either Russians against the war or Ukrainian people...

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by nexusband to c/selfhosted

I've been running my most recent Server built for quite some time now. I think Uptime was somewhere around 5 Months. Absolutely flawless. A few Days ago i started to have issues. Hard-Locks, Freezing...but absolutely zero log entries. Nothing. The Server was built with "off the shelf" Hardware and no ECC (even though the Ryzen CPU technically supports it, at the time ECC 3200 MHz Memory was still a lot more expensive than it is now) and is running a ZFS. Risky business, but it's "just" a home server. Would never built a server running mission critical stuff like that (and I've been doing that for over 10 years now as my main job). Over the last few weeks, i've been trying some stuff and had a pretty high memory load.

In any case, i also like Astrophysics and have some newsletters about Auroras and so on. They are extremely rare, here in southern Germany to occur. Yesterday we had one of the biggest and brightest I've ever seen.

But it got me thinking about my hard locks and crashes and i remembered, i had an account for ESA's SSCC (SSA Space Weather Coordination Centre). They have something called "Post-Event Analysis", where you can correlate certain timestamps to real time data, for example from DSCOVR ("THE" Space Weather Satellite).

For Auroras to occur, the so called "Bz-Value" is important. Basically, it tells the direction of the interplanetary magnetic field. If it's direction is towards the sun and towards the charged particles the sun throws at us, they get deflected. If it's with the direction of the solar wind, the particles "come in" and produce auroras...because the charged particles charge other parts - they generally charge oxygen, which results in green auroras - they also can do all sorts of stuff (and that's why spaceships, sats and other stuff floating around in space need shielding). The Value is measured in nanoTesla(nT).

There's also the Kp-Index...which was 7-8, out of 9.

So yeah - i'm pretty sure, i experienced a Single-Event Upset/Bit-Flip. Amazing stuff!

Edit: Picture of the Aurora

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by nexusband to c/selfhosted


been running PiHole with my FritzBox as DHCP Server for a while now. Just got Fibre and the new router doesn't support "only" setting an upstream DNS (neither does it support setting a domain suffix/local domain). I've switched the DHCP off and now PiHole does DHCP as well.

The FritzBox and the new Router added the domain suffix to recognized hostnames automatically, so even if i set up a fixed IP-Address on some device or machine, i could always use the hostname.local.domain without having to set a reservation.

Can PiHole/AdGuard/Technitium even do this? Do they need some extra configuration? PiHole does recognize the Hostnames correctly for some devices, but most are missing: For example, my Proxmox host was reachable with "pve.domain.local", it isn't with PiHole, even though PiHole identified the hostname. My Homeassistant isn't recognized at all, even though the IP-Address is showing up in PiHole. The Domain under "Advanced DHCP Settings" is set up.

Am i misunderstanding something or did i configure something wrong?


submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by nexusband to c/[email protected]

Der Umstand, dass die Recherche keinerlei technische Daten zu den beiden Anlagen in Sierra Leone zutage fördert, steigert die Neugierde noch ein bisschen. Vor allem aber gibt es ein Problem technischer Natur: Sollten Thoronkas Angaben auch nur halbwegs zutreffen, er könnte mit zwei Anlagen dieser Art 1500 Menschen und 15 Schulen mit Strom versorgen, dann müsste ihm eine Entdeckung gelungen sein, die das gesamte Fachgebiet der Piezoelektrik völlig auf den Kopf stellt. Was erst recht die Frage aufwirft, warum kein Fachmann und kein Fachartikel davon weiß.


Mag jemand noch ein paar Globulis?

Beide Phänotypen spielen eine wichtige Rolle in der Arena der Weltretter, dort, wo Geld- und Aufmerksamkeitsökonomie aufeinandertreffen. Der Betrieb braucht beide, um weiter zu rotieren. Was er dagegen ganz bestimmt nicht benötigt, ganz im Gegenteil, wäre ein Elektroingenieur in der Jury. Um Jeremiah Thoronka zu zitieren: Die Reise ist noch weit davon entfernt, vorbei zu sein.


Und wir fallen drauf rein. Inkl. tausender Batterien, die einfach so in einem Feld herum stehen. Grün am Arsch...



for various reasons i have two routers. (In fact, one is a FritzBox hosting various SmartHome stuff, another is a Speedport from Telekom Germany, that also does the Internet Connection) The WiFi on the FritzBox is also a lot better and right now i don't have any need to get anything better (all that matters has Rj45 anyway).

This however also is an issue, because i can't easily host something. I have however a Hetzern Server as well and i have tried some zerotier, but i have failed to set it up correctly. Is there an easier way or has anyone something like an How-To for this that works?

Thanks :)

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