I have one of those...in my bathroom and I really don't care for it. It turns itself inside out when you use it.
So I don't quite understand these yet but I hate Paw Patrol, what do I do?
Can you start an exercise routine now? Working out might help with your hunger and it could at least start you on the track to lose it all.
I think so? I don't remember now. I tried a few different ways and it came down to needing the ethernet connection so I bailed. Granted, I probably should have spent more than an hour on problem solving but I had a family hollering for me to go do stuff with them.
We use Dreft.
He/she looks comfy now :)
Ubuntu, I wanted to go Debian but the installation wanted an ethternert connection to get that accomplished and I didn't know that/think that far ahead
My youngest decided at 18 months that she didn't want a nap anymore. I just rolled with it and never really had any problems with bed time.
I always thought it was "tows" lol
I'm struggling, I want to keep informed, but I have realized that seeing this stuff day in and day out while I'm trying to look for a job has really affected my overall mood and I'm afraid that is why I'm not getting callbacks.
It does.
Maybe, all I know is that I haven't had a lot of luck with it.