I vote every time and post in the Austin community as much as I dare to encourage others. That's about all I can do.
Not all of us, just need more of y'all to move here and water down their vote. Problem is the germandering makes populated places less impacting than the uneducated rural areas.
Very specific media like rare or modified Rips gave an extra copy on an archive folder. All my cloud storage and personal backups also go to the archive folder. That folder then gets backed up to local raid 6 NAS, and then the qnap software syncs that up to backblaze once a week.
Those were not rioters, they were insurectionists.
buffalo, SanDisk, Samsung have all done me well.
Cool new maps, will have to check that out tonight.
Laser does color these days
You think they don't want the chance to use their gun stockpile in an Alamo last stand type of outcome?
So it's going to be uneducated and racist?
Maybe it can replace Fled Cruz.
Blue was the best tasting playdoh
It's happening everywhere. More profit to be made per square foot is all that matters to developers.