I'm all for naming the culprits, but the leading picture is misleading and counterproductive. Sure, the steel plant is dirty, but it is better than a plant that is just as dirty or worse on the other side of the Pacific that is shipped here via dirty ship. To make matters worse, it wasn't even in the top 10 that the article later lists.
It sucks, but we have to be anal retentive about dotting our Is and crossing our Ts, or the opposition can dismiss sources like that as disingenuous and make it harder to win over fence sitters.
ETA: I live in the US and applied to the US because it was a US centric article.
If we don't start turning things around rapidly, global warming is going to be saying to WW2: "You think YOU are the master of death, despair, suffering, and destruction? Hold my beer and watch this!"