.Net sucks, compared to mono. The compiler is slower, filesize after optimization is still higher and the character set in cli is far more limited when I compile an app with .Net.
Who in the world is still using this ancient piece of technology?
Usually 1. Today is no exception.
Delete my Windows partition, please!
There is a little difference between a user and an abuser.
Just paste it in here and I count the characters for you.
No matter how hanky this setup is, the official YouTube app is jankier.
It pays the video creators
Then why are almost all of them on patreon and ask for a donation?
What annoyes me more that the doubters are the clinics which wanna force you doing a therapy. But all you were asking for is a diagnosis.
Neat try, drawing us back to reddit, but we refuse.
Ich kann mich über meinen JCase Grinder aus Aluminum, mit Keramikbeschichtung nur wenig beklagen. Für DynaVap ist der auch gut geeignet. Man sollte ihn beim Grinden aber auf den Kopf drehen, damit der Malgrad schön fein ist.
Mein nächstes Upgrade soll ein Edelstahl Grinder von Black Leaf werden. Besser geht's kaum.
I manage my entire life with Logseq. Syncing is done via github, since I have nothing to hide there. I would recommend setting up your own gitlab server instead.
Wow, that sounds suspeciously like me, except for the many periods of unemployment, which mostly come after my burnouts, which happen after half a year in a new job.