
joined 1 year ago
[–] n0m4n 2 points 2 weeks ago

Rivers would have voted for Fang, before Trump.

[–] n0m4n 7 points 3 weeks ago

As much as I liked Visual Studio, its privacy intrusiveness was my final straw.

[–] n0m4n 2 points 3 weeks ago

Trump cannot and will not follow rules. Trump will be in solitary confinement.

[–] n0m4n 13 points 3 weeks ago

Best politicians that money can ~~buy~~ rent.

[–] n0m4n 4 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

When the purges in Russia, China, and N. Korea were going on, the only way to survive was to become the biggest ass-kisser. Imagine how they felt. Does that feel familiar, MAGA?

Liz Cheney has you pegged for what you have let yourself become.

[–] n0m4n 6 points 1 month ago

I would immediately erase everything that I have ever posted, anywhere. I would go underground as much as possible, online speaking. When the purges come, I would be a target.

IDK if we would leave. We are not prime immigrant status, not qualifying for Canada. That shocked me, TBF.

[–] n0m4n 1 points 1 month ago

When non-sponsored scientists do work like this, corporations have usually spread fear to stop a competitor from gaining a toehold. Unless the scientists have very deep pockets, they can be banned from the marketplace, for lack of money to "prove" their product is safe. This looks like more of the same. With the Citizens United ruling, we do not know who is pushing which agenda.

[–] n0m4n 19 points 1 month ago

Romney believes that if he folds like Chamberlain, that Republicans can control Trump. Chamberlain was wrong, and so is Romney.

[–] n0m4n 12 points 1 month ago

Lies? Then you paid back all the money 'loaned' to you, Mr Thomas? You should show receipts and demand everyone apologize.

[–] n0m4n 2 points 1 month ago
[–] n0m4n 2 points 1 month ago

A study that sticks in my mind is that negative comments outweigh positive comments in how they are felt by the receivers. What is perceived as balanced is a ratio of one negative comment to five positive comments. Do downvotes have the same weight as comments? IDK, but I without the feedback of comments, there isn't much to base anything on. I get attacked in droves if I comment about anything Russian. We clearly do not see events through the same lens.

[–] n0m4n 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I would add his previous habit of eating a lot of tuna. Mercury poisoning was likely why "mad as a hatter" came to be. Hatters would brighten their pins and needles with dips in quicksilver, to see them better. Holding some pins in the mouth caused ingestion in small amounts that slowly poison. It isn't a far reach for a person to see their neurologic symptoms of mercury poisoning to be from another mercury source, like the mercury in one particular vaccine.

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