
joined 2 years ago
[–] myplacedk 1 points 1 day ago

Same with æg. I can get 10 cage-free æg for 18,- kr incl tax, which is 2.49 USD.

[–] myplacedk 11 points 6 days ago

This is the answer. They are bridges to support the next layer.

[–] myplacedk 2 points 1 week ago

It is a stainless steel nozzle, but the real problem is that it's not just the nozzle, it's either "hotend" with cooling ribs etc, with lots of fiddling to connect wires etc, or "complete hotend" that also comes with a fan so more of the wires are already connected.


I wish they did like Prusa where you can also buy assembly, but they have one that is basically an adapter so you can use any regular cheap nozzle.

[–] myplacedk 3 points 1 week ago (2 children)

It's a P1S. A nozzle that is hard/cumbersome to change is 15 USD. One that is almost as easy to change as a regular nozzle is 35 USD.

Add shipping costs, maybe taxes, the fact that they can have crazy delays...

I remember on my old printer I'd by a bag of nozzles even if I didn't need them. But on a Bambu... Yeah, I'd try to salvage the nozzle too.

[–] myplacedk 3 points 1 week ago


Okay, I think I'll try it.

[–] myplacedk 32 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

You are arguably being insulted and neglected.

[–] myplacedk 3 points 2 weeks ago

Det var en god start at være tilstede på Facebook og Twitter. For at få god kommunikation, må man møde folk hvor de er.

Men nu må vi erkende, at de platforme hvor folk er, ikke er gode nok. DR har allerede droppet Twitter/X, og der er gode argumenter for at droppe Facebook. Men hvis DR dropper Facebook, så er der jo ikke noget tilbage.

Her mener jeg at netop en public service kan gå foran, i denne kylling/æg situation.

  1. DR er tilstede hvor folk er, så længe det kan forsvares, i den grad det kan forsvares

  2. DR går foran med at være tilstede på nye decentrale platforme uden kommercielle interesser. Fx ved at opsætte deres egne servere med Lemmy, Mastodont eller hvad der nu kan være relevant.

Det er ikke sikkert det bliver en succes, især er det ret usandsynligt at alle tiltag bliver en succes. Men så har DR gjort sin del.

[–] myplacedk 3 points 3 weeks ago

Forever is a long time. I'm sad I won't get upgrades, but I didn't expect any when I bought it. I'll be fine for a while.

When I feel that big an itch for a new thing, I'll buy a new thing. Probably something Prusa branded.

[–] myplacedk 6 points 3 weeks ago

I assume it does. If I had a big problem with that, I wouldn't have connected it to the internet in the first place.

However, the talk about disabling printers without this update makes me think I should probably block it.

[–] myplacedk 3 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

I wouldn't buy a new Bambu now. But the one I have has a LAN only option, and i assume it will keep it as long as I don't upgrade my firmware.

I don't see how they would disable my printer without updating firmware. Maybe I should block all internet communication just to be sure.

[–] myplacedk 8 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

But this particular RFID has some sort of encryption-something, that means that other companies can't make them.

I don't like it, but since I can still use other brands without the convenience of RFID tags, it's not a deal-breaker.

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