Careful. Science is not the Truth, it’s a method for producing accurate predictions. We accumulate evidence until the predictions seem overwhelmingly likely, or not. At no point have we proven that things might not be completely different from what we imagine them to be, or that they won’t change. Science isn’t Truth, it’s just a method of finding the best answer up to that point.
Listen to the mainstream, not the mediastreams, don't listen to the jackasses spewing transdimensional micro-wormholes -- yet. There's mystery in science, but that's literally how we find the next-big-thing. When there's mystery in religion, you are supposed to ignore it.
We have lots of religions, some that we're expected to abandon as adults, some we're expected to carry forward as adults.
Why? Because they make things easier for you (other) people.
Santa Claus: Won't give you presents if you don't go to bed X-mas eve!
(Now get outa my hair kid so I can do a bunch of work to make you happy tomorrow morning.)
The Easter Bunny: This bunny poops colorful, cooked, eggs all over the yard and it's ok for you to eat them in sandwiches for the next week. Ok so he doesn't poop them, he only hides them after you cook them. Somehow...
Everyone gets a valentine: There's someone who loves you everywhere, and we should share our love with everyone.
Life is Fair: Things should be fair, and when you get something you should share it with your sister, or your classmates. Not enough for everyone? None for you!
Fighting is bad: Anyone who gets in a fight gets in trouble, whether you started it or not!
We tell these lies because we want to control the experience and the environment of children, we want to protect them from the lies all those things are meant to keep them from seeing.
Santa Claus Ain't Real, you're prolly gonna be broke in an apartment alone eating premade food on a Christmas eve one year... and that'll be a blessing, cause you could afford something to eat.
The easter bunny was the least adult, adult's responsibility and one year the eggs stop coming.
Everyone doesn't get a valentine, and sometimes that kid goes home and gets beat up or hurts themselves -- that's why they're "too weird" for anyone to be their friend.
Life isn't fair, people don't get the same things and some people starve.
Fighting is sometimes not bad at all, and some people make a living doing it. We just want to be able to bet on our fights and make a premium selling the broadcast rights.
As we get older, we're only supposed to keep the more "adult" religions, like being subservient to our betters, elders, priests, lawmakers etc. They tell you to "be honest (in business.)". "Don't murder others (unless I tell you to)". "Follow the laws of the place you're in." and "Don't cheat on your wife (and get caught)."
We've got a few others in there, but those are pretty much the ones you're "expected" to follow.
Your reward? You get to think about the ending of a fictional book you haven't actually read a whole lot as though it were real, and you're one of the characters. It's amazingly pacifying if you're trying to keep millions of people from stealing, killing each other, and sleeping around.