Shit ur the smartest fucker here.
As many drugs, hookers and recless addrenaline filled activities as possible
Its cause and rough and it gets everywhere
Mmmmm fried baby seals.
Would you end up with more or less fat after frying tho?
Should they stand where they do probably not. Should they be destroy definatly not. Put them in a public government museum next to a plaque describing what awfull fuckers they where. Or skip the museum and just add a plaque explaining this is the awfull shit this cockface stood for every month on a friday afternoon we have an egg throughing contest for his face etc etc.
For example i went to a cynagog/museum u know what they had in said museum a friggin nazi uniform along with a plaque and the story of how it was taken as a trophy when they ripped the fucker limb from limb while the allied forces looked the other direction. That sends a message that tells more history of how awfull the camps must have been that soldiers would look the other direction while some guy gets killed by the mob.
For goodness sake destroying history nomatter how dark will lead to worse places. "Those who forget history are condemned to repeat it".
You right as social animals we do have a need for human connection (to be liked as u said) but that need can be fullfilled by our friends as we do for them. I dont see why u need everyone to like you i find it very freeing that i can be hated by someone and not care because i know that i have friends who do care. As some motherfucker once said if you can count your good freinds on one hand you know they are real freinds or something along those lines anything more is an excersise in vanity.
Being liked often does get you what you want or at least makes it easyer. I suspect that phychopaths are constantly weighing up how much they need you but then again phycopathy often does come with narsasism which tends to give people a need to be loved homelander and trump are excellent examples of narsasism leading to the need to be loved.
I dont really care how it sounds all i ask is for you to find a statisticly significant reason for why i am objectivly wrong.
Hes broken the seal on saying it hopefully a slightly more anti russian country (caugh caugh poland) will step up and let the people rape and kill their way across russia as they have wanted to for almost 100 years.
It 100% is a political play but you must remeber thats what the armed forces of france signed up for they signed up to fight on behalf of the political power. Not one single other western country has even mentioned sending troops regardless of if he is the one holding a rifle (i suspect many of said troops being sent wont be doing such things they will most likly be engineers to support the western equipment) that is a ballsy political move and it should not be disregarded.
I welcome the downvotes it means im doing a good job i get just as many downvotes here as i do on far right platforms. They want to dislike what i have to say let em they had the choice to engage in productive discause they didnt want to and expressed their hate. It truly does refelct upon them more than anything.
I did read the article and because he had a direct role in the destruction thats all the more reason not to deface it. Its a reason to hang it in a gallery with a little plaque explaining what he did then when people see that artwork and read the plaque they will understand maybe they didnt understand before maybe this is news to them maybe they are learning and forming a more informed opinion maybe it will inspire them to do something. Or we can deface it remove it hide it away and that discussion about what he did why he did it will be lost forever.
Damn make this a movie