Its foss go ask chatgpt and submit a pull request.
Are you telling me how to love now. I though telling people how to love got them labeled as homophobic?
Scaled sort is busted allegedly and the big communities are dominating on all the sort options thats a real problem that needs fixing.
Its only increasing the sorting cost by a linear factor wont have an effect on the big O notation
Most of the marketing about skin protection is bs.
And sunscreen is also probably better for said protection than some special bs shite.
And yeah medical reasons is a whole different thing entirely.
Im glad u appreciated my shitty pun
Huh i deleted all my content i got some js code to do it somewhere if ya want it.
Actually thats the funny and really sad thing. America has guns as they copied the swiss system of an armed militia then kept the guns and abolished the militia creating the basket case they have now with a shitonne of guns and not enough people trained to be safe with them.
Yeah and u can eat a pet u love no matter what kind.
Thats more about the implemwntation of a represntative body not if it is in the consatitution tho. Any hope of this system being implemented wich im in full support of got killed by the gamblw on putting it in the constitution which would have ensured none of these things.
Im sure they are but users cant see it and ive been noticing a lot of deleted content in reddit chains when googling for answers its nice to contribute to the destruction of human knowlege now and then.